College of Arts and Sciences Funds

Total funds:  330

Albert N. Attaway WGLT Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 2012 by Sarah S. Attaway, Dr. Jill S. Attaway, Dr. Mitch Griffin, and Parker Griffin in memory of Albert Attaway, Sarah's husband and Jill's father. Albert N. Attaway (1928-1991) loved music, played trombone and piano, and played in a band while earning his B.S. in industrial engineering from the University of Texas. Because of his love of music and his musical ability this gift to WGLT Radio is a fitting tribute to his life. The purpose of the fund is to assist with the general operating costs of WGLT.

Loro Pre-Law Endowment

To establish a fund supporting the Pre-Law program. The primary use of this fund is to support Mock Trial, but it may also be used in support of other initiatives in the Pre-Law program at the discretion of the Department Chair.

Dr. Carl J. Wenning Endowed Physics Teacher Education Scholar Award

Carl Wenning retired from ISU on May 31, 2008. Pursuant to his goal of developing the best physics teacher education program in the nation, he and his wife Carolyn established the Dr. Carl J. Wenning Endowed Program for Physics Teacher Education Scholars. The purpose of this program will be to provide resources for majors in the field of physics teacher education to highly qualified program graduates. The materials will be chosen by the program coordinator based on the needs of the average new physics teacher in an Illinois public school and presented to each new teacher upon their graduation from the physics teaching program or when all conditions set forth in this agreement are met. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. Carl Wenning retired from Illinois State University on May 31, 2008. Pursuant to his goal of developing the best physics teacher education program in the nation, he and his wife Carolyn established the Dr. Carl J. Wenning Endowed Program for Physics Teacher Education Scholars. The purpose of this program is to provide resources for majors in the field of physics teacher education to highly qualified program graduates. The materials will be chosen by the program coordinator based on the needs of the average new physics teacher in an Illinois public school and presented to each new teacher upon their graduation from the physics teaching program or when all conditions set forth in this agreement are met.

Sociology and Anthropology Study Abroad Travel Fund

The Sociology and Anthropology Study Abroad Travel Fund provideds support for sociology and anthropology students to study abroad.

Additionally Supports: Emeritus Professor Nick Maroules Award

Scott Elliott Endowment in Sociology and Anthropology

In June 2006, Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $250,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment benefitting the Departments of Economics, Philosophy, and Sociology and Anthropology. The principal and expendable balances in this endowment were divided equally among three separate endowments. The purpose fo each fund is to support the educational mission of the named department. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. In June 2006, Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $250,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment benefiting the Departments of Economics, Philosophy, and Sociology and Anthropology. The Scott Elliott Endowment in Sociology and Anthropology provides financial support for the highest priorities of the Department including graduate or undergraduate participation at scholarly meetings to formally present their research. It is permissible to accumulate the expendable allocation over several years for the purpose of funding expensive priorities that cannot be addressed due to restrictions on annual general revenue funding.

College of Arts and Sciences General Fund

The College and Arts and Sciences General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, initiatives, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, in the College.

Additionally Supports: Helen and Shirley Highland Scholarship

School of Biological Sciences General Fund

The Biology Fund supports the general operating needs of the School of Biological Sciances at Illinois State University. The School of Biological Sciences advances the growing body of biological knowledge through synergistic programs in research, teaching, and service. Their faculty conducts basic and applied research to educate, mentor, and train successive generations of scientists and to command national and international recognition. The School of Biological Sciences General Fund supports the general operating needs of the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University. The School of Biological Sciences advances the growing body of biological knowledge through synergistic programs in research, teaching, and service. Faculty conduct basic and applied research to educate, mentor, and train successive generations of scientists and to command national and international recognition.

Additionally Supports: Gerry Grace D’Elia Memorial Award for Undergrad Teaching Assistants, Jennifer Grogg Student Teaching Stipend Award, Outstanding Biology Teaching Assistants

Kirk A. Haney Endowed Fund

The Kirk A. Haney Endowed Fund was established by Jim and Beth Haney in memory of their son, Kirk Haney '95, who was a student in the School of Social Work. The purpose of this fund is to help promote social work through providing funding for the School's annual Social Work Day.

Thomas E. McClure Pro Bono Fund

The Thomas E. McClure Pro Bono Fund was established in 2021 to support the Department of Politics and Government Legal Studies Program's Expungement Clinic (Clinic) and other pro bono activities associated with the Program. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to salaries, travel costs, and other expenses connected to pro bono opportunities the Program provides for Illinois State University students. In the event, the Program neither operates a pro bono clinic nor requires funding for other pro bono opportunities that the Program provides for its students, the income generated by the Pro Bono Fund will be used to provide an annual award to a Department faculty member who demonstrates a strong commitment to service to the Department, his or her profession, and/or the community. The responsibilities for the selection of award recipients and distribution of funds will be assigned to the Chair of the Department.

Psychology Department General Fund

The Psychology Department General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: 3M Thesis Competition Award, Charter Department Graduate, Johnson Inspiration, Outstanding Psychology GA, Outstanding Psychology Student

Hibbert R. Roberts Teaching Excellence Recognition Award

This endowment was established in 1993 by Sandra Roberts in memory of her husband. The award is given to any full-time faculty member with three or more academic years of service and who inspires students to achieve their full potential in and outside of the classroom. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Hibbert R. Roberts Teaching Excellence Recognition Award was established in 1993 by Sandra Roberts in memory of her husband. The award is given to any full-time faculty member with three or more academic years of service and who inspires students to achieve their full potential in and outside of the classroom.

English Graduate Student Research Fund

The English Graduate Student Research fund provides financial assistance English graduate students for research including research travel, research preparations, and archival work.

Maurice Scharton Faculty Research Fund

The Maurice Scharton Faculty Research fund was established in 2002 in in honor of Professor Maurice Scharton who taught rhetoric at ISU from 1977 through 2002. The Maurice Scharton Research award supports faculty research; in particular, travel to do archival research.

Pryor-Reeder Social Psychology Fund

To establish a fund supporting graduate student research in social psychology in the Illinois State University Psychology Department.

Robert D. Weigel Fund

This endowment was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel. The research grant is awarded based on proposals submitted to the Phi Sigma grant committee. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Robert D. Weigel Fund was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel, who taught at Illinois State for 24 years and served as an advisor to Phi Sigma Society. Later significant gifts were given by other faculty and friends and an estate gift from Weigel. This fund is established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society to honor Dr. Robert D. Weigel upon his retirement. The fund will provide financial resources to bring outstanding scientists to the ISU campus each year. These distinguished professionals would give seminars and workshops and be available to students to discuss their research and their philosophical approach to science. The fund will also be available to provide student research awards to graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Biological Sciences.

Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Program

The Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Program is a multi-year endeavor funded by the generous contribution from Scott M. Elliott, 1985 alum of the Department of Economics. The Pilot Program funds are intended to provide the most flexibility to the respective research teams to maximize the potential for successful completion of the preliminary research and grant submission. Funds from the Pilot Program can be allocated towards equipment, supplies, software, databases, travel support, course buyout, and/or stipends as outlined by the research team in their proposal. The proposal will contain a brief overview of the project, a budget specifying how the funds will be used in the preparation of an external grant submission, and a list of targeted government agencies and foundations for submission of the external grant proposal. The Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Program is a multi-year endeavor funded by the generous contribution from Scott M. Elliott, 1985 alum of the Department of Economics. The Pilot Program funds are intended to provide the most flexibility to the respective research teams to maximize the potential for successful completion of the preliminary research and grant submission. Funds from the Pilot Program can be allocated towards equipment, supplies, software, databases, travel support, course buyout, and/or stipends as outlined by the research team in their proposal. The proposal will contain a brief overview of the project, a budget specifying how the funds will be used in the preparation of an external grant submission, and a list of targeted government agencies and foundations for submission of the external grant proposal.

James and Lucy Patterson Family Geography Field Trip Endowment

The James and Lucy Patterson Family Geography Field Trip Endowment was established by Lucy Patterson and family members in 2013. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to the Department of Geography for field trips and/or scholarship support for geography students to participate in field trips. James Patterson was a regional geography professor at Illinois State University from 1957 to 1986. During his tenure at ISU, he received the first Bone Award for outstanding teacher at ISU and was the recipient of the Illinois Geography Society's Distinguished Geography Education Award. Patterson combined his passions for teaching and travel by organizing and leading cross-disciplinary student field trips. Students were taught in the classroom at a nearby university and then taken into the field to observe firsthand the geographical, biological, historical, and archaeological aspects they were studying.

Dr. Warren R. Harden Endowed Seminar & Lecture Series

The Dr. Warren R. Harden Endowed Seminar and Lecture Series will provide the resources to support the Department's on-going invited seminar and lectures series. These funds will in part cover the cost of travel, lodging, and meals and in some cases, honorarium for a speaker. These funds may also be used at the discretion of the department chair of economics for research purposes. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Warren R. Harden Endowed Seminar and Lecture Series will provide the resources to support the Department's ongoing invited seminar and lectures series. These funds will in part cover the cost of travel, lodging, and meals and in some cases, honorarium for a speaker. These funds may also be used at the discretion of the department chair of economics for research purposes.

Lois Lenski Lecture Series

The Lois Lenski Lecture series is named for two-time Newberry award winning children's author and illustrator, Lois Lenski (1893-1974). In the course of her career, she became friends with Illinois State University English professor Taimi Ranta (1916-1995). Ranta was instrumental in ensuring that Lenski donated many of her literary papers and the original art for some of her illustrations to Milner Library. The Lenski Lecture was named in honor of Lois Lenski, but Ranta's generosity of spirit was the inspiration for this fund. The Lenski Lecture Series, first established in 1994, was the first named lecture series in children's literature in the United States. The purpose of this fund is to support the oldest and best-known speaker series of its kind.

Douglas Clay Ridgley Endowed Fellowship in Geography

Professor Ridgley was an early leader in the development of geography in the U.S. and served as chair of the department at ISNU. This endowment was established in 2000 by George and Martha Means. The funds are used by a full-time permanent faculty member to (1) continue a Ridgley lectureship that would bring a geographer to campus to speak on a relevant topic, (2) travel for the purpose of expanding the geography program at Illinois State, (3) provide summer salary to further the professorship recipient's research and course development. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Professor Ridgley was an early leader in the development of the study of geography in the United States and served as chair of the department at Illinois State Normal University. This endowment was established in 2000 by George and Martha Means. The funds are used by a full-time permanent faculty member to (1) continue a Ridgley lectureship that would bring a geographer to campus to speak on a relevant topic, (2) travel for the purpose of expanding the geography program at Illinois State, and (3) provide summer salary to further the professorship recipient's research and course development.

R. Omar and Evelyn Rilett Family Life Sciences Lectures Series

The R. Omar and Evelyn Rilett Family Life Sciences Lectures Series was established in 2007 by Evelyn Rilett, widow of R. Omar Rilett, to honor the Rilett Family. The purpose of the fund is to bring outstanding life scientists and lectures to ISU for the benefit of the academic and local communities. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The R. Omar and Evelyn Rilett Family Life Sciences Lectures Series was established in 2007 by Evelyn Rilett, widow of R. Omar Rilett, to honor the Rilett Family. The purpose of the fund is to bring outstanding life scientists and lectures to ISU for the benefit of the academic and local communities.

Alumni Seminar Series in Genetics Fund

This endowment was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund is used to support the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Herman E. Brockman Fund was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund supports the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics.

Conservation Biology Teaching and Research Endowment

This endowment was established by Dale Birkenholz in 2001. The funds are used to facilitate collaboration between biological sciences at Illinois State University and Sugar Grove Nature Center to provide teaching and research opportunities for students in ecology and conservation biology. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Conservation Biology Teaching and Research Endowment was established by Dale Birkenholz in 2001. The funds are used to facilitate collaboration between Biological Sciences at Illinois State University and Sugar Grove Nature Center to provide teaching and research opportunities for students in Ecology and Conservation Biology.

Grand Island Research Fund

The Mather-Klauer Lodge at Grand Island serves as the home base for a joint venture between ISU and the U.S. Department of Forestry on Grand Island. The Grand Island Research Fund supports research efforts of Illinois State University emeriti faculty James Skibo who serves as the Director of the Grand Island Archaeological Project, and is responsible for oversight of the Illinois State University project. Funds may be used to support research, including renovations to the Lodge that aid ISU's research efforts.

Herbert L. Zobel Geography Education Colloquium Series Endowment

The Dr. Herbert L. Zobel Geography Education Colloquium Series Endowment was established in January 2013 through a generous bequest from Dr. Zobel. He received both his BSE '48 and his MSE '49 from Illinois State University. He received his MA '60 from Northwestern University and his Ph.D. '64 from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Dr. Zobel was an emeritus professor at Kent State University. The purpose of this fund is to defray expenses associated with the weekly geography education colloquium series.

John A. and Anne E. Dossey Endowed Lectureship Fund

The John A. and Anne E. Dossey Endowed Lectureship Fund was established in 2010 by the Department of Mathematics at Illinois State University in honor of John A. and Anne E. Dossey. Emeritus Distinguished Professor John Dossey was a faculty member in the department from 1967 to 1998. He also served as president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, served as member or chair of several governmental research committees, and chaired the College Board committee that redesigned the SAT mathematics examination. The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual lecture by leaders in the field of mathematics.

Bone Speakers Fund

This fund provides financial resources to bring notable speakers to campus. The fund rotates between the departments of Politics and Government, Sociology and Anthropology, and History. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Bone Speakers Fund provides financial resources to bring notable speakers to campus. The fund rotates between the departments of Politics and Government, Sociology and Anthropology, and History.

Geography Distinguished Speaker Fund

The endowment was established to provide support to bring a speaker of high standing and significant accomplishment in geography to campus at least once per year. All speakers should be associated with the discipline of geography. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Geography Distinguished Speaker Fund provides support to bring a distinguished geography lecturer to campus in even number academic calendar years. In odd academic calendar years, funds should be used to support student research or field experiences.

John W. Foster Hydrology Lecture Fund

John W. Foster began teaching at Illinois State University in 1982 and was Acting Chair of the Department of Geography/Geology from 1987-1988. He proposed and was the principal designer of the University’s first geology graduate program, Master of Science in geohydrology. The purpose of the fund is to defray speaker-related expenses (honorarium and travel) to provide an annual John Webster Foster Memorial Geohydrology Lecture. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. John W. Foster began teaching at Illinois State University in 1982 and was Acting Chair of the Department of Geography/Geology from 1987-1988. He proposed and was the principal designer of the University's first geology graduate program, Master of Science in geohydrology. The purpose of the fund is to defray speaker-related expenses (honorarium and travel) to provide an annual John Webster Foster Memorial Geohydrology Lecture.

Graduate Scholarship for Hydrogeology

The Graduate Scholarship for Hydrogeology was established in 2024 to support students in the Hydrogeology graduate program within the Department of Geography, Geology, and the Environment.

CAS Student Retention Fund

The CAS Student Retention Fund was established by Dr. Larry A. Alferink in order to establish a fund supporting undergraduate student retention efforts in the College of Arts and Sciences. This fund should be used, in consultation with the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, to provide financial support for initiatives aimed at improving retention and student success.

Mark Moran Endowed Scholarship in Social Work

Dorothy M. Moran established this endowed scholarship fund in 2011 as a tribute to the legacy of her husband, Mark R. Moran. He played a pivotal role in establishing the undergraduate social work program at Illinois State University. As an associate professor, he also taught at the University from 1971 until his retirement in 1981. He had a strong commitment to the professional development of students majoring in Social Work at Illinois State University. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to students who are pursuing a career in the social work field. Endowment assets are invested in the Illinois State University Foundation's long-term investment pool.

Frank M. and Hermina R. Giordano Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2003 in memory of Frank and Hermina Giordano by their son, Gerald Giordano (B.S., 1981). This scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate level student majoring in politics and government. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Frank M. and Hermina R. Giordano Scholarship was established in 2003 in memory of Frank and Hermina Giordano by their son, Gerald Giordano (B.S., 1981). This scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate-level student majoring in politics and government.

Keith and Nita Kattner Graduate Fellowship in Neuroscience

To expand Biological Sciences' research effort & recognition in neuroscience; to provide neuroscience research access to the customary amenities & intellectual climate that exist in a university setting; to recruit highly qualified graduate students interested in neuroscience & provide them an exceptional opportunity to earn their graduate degrees; to increase external funding in neuroscience within the Department. To expand Biological Sciences' research effort & recognition in neuroscience; to provide neuroscience research access to the customary amenities & intellectual climate that exist in a university setting; to recruit highly qualified graduate students interested in neuroscience & provide them an exceptional opportunity to earn their graduate degrees; to increase external funding in neuroscience within the Department.

Carl and Maurice Cook Scholarship

The Carl and Maurice Cook Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 through a bequest of Maurice Cook. He directed that a permanent scholarship fund be established in memory of him and his brother, Carl, both graduates of Illinois State Normal University. Maurice earned a degree in biology in 1934. The scholarship benefits students majoring in biology. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Carl and Maurice Cook Scholarship was established in 1999 through the bequest of Maurice. Carl and Maurice were both brothers and graduated of Illinois State Normal University. Maurice earned a degree in biology in 1934.

Savio Strategic Persistence Fund

The Savio Strategic Persistence Fund was established by Kathleen Savio in 2024 to provide resources to support retention efforts in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Robert and Marilyn Sutherland Endowment for WGLT

Dr. Robert and Mary Sutherland have been supporters of WGLT and NPR news and other programs for many years. To ensure support for general operations of the station, Dr. and Mrs. Sutherland established this endowment to support the general operating costs of WGLT and scholarships for students involved with the station.

Colletta Helen Moser Endowment for Undergraduate Women in Economics

The Colletta Helen Moser Endowment for Undergraduate Women in Economics was established in 2020 with proceeds from the Estate of Colletta Helen Moser. The Endowment supports the Undergraduate Women in Economics (UWE) student organization at Illinois State University. The UWE is dedicated to increasing diversity and representation in the economics profession and to fostering a sense of inclusion across the broader community of scholars. Students are invited to join the organization regardless of their experiences with economics.

David Foster Wallace Memorial Fund

The purpose of the David Foster Wallace Memorial Restricted Fund is to support activities of the Dept. of English by sponsoring the Wallace Memorial Reading Series, which will bring well-known authors to campus to present a public reading of their work & to interact with students & faculty. It will also support activities of the Dept. of English by sponsoring the David Foster Wallace Award. This cash award will honor a graduate or undergraduate student whose writing engages its subject from an original, committed, and humane perspective. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. The purpose of the David Foster Wallace Memorial Restricted Fund is to support activities of the Department of English by sponsoring the Wallace Memorial Reading Series, which will bring well-known authors to campus to present a public reading of their work and to interact with students & faculty. It will also support activities of the Dept. of English by sponsoring the David Foster Wallace Award. This award will honor a graduate or undergraduate student whose writing engages its subject from an original, committed, and humane perspective.

Jo Ann Kelley Memorial Scholarship in Spanish

The Jo Ann Kelley Memorial Scholarship in Spanish was established in 2016 by Martha Burk and Joann Goetzinger in honor of their friend, Jo Ann ("Jo") Kelley. The scholarship will support a junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in one of the areas in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture (formerly the Department of Foreign Languages) at Illinois State University. Preference will be given to students majoring in Spanish and/or a student with financial need. Jo graduated from Magnolia High School in 1954 in Magnolia, Arkansas. She served her country in the United States Army and then moved to Bloomington to be near family. She went to Illinois State University on the GI Bill and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Spanish in 1971.

Mathematics Department General Fund

The Mathematics General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: Keutzer Award, Outstanding Senior, Putnam Exam, Research Scholar Winner, Statistical Project, Teacher-Scholar Award

John Wesley Powell Fund

Illinois State University's first geologist was John Wesley Powell, the famous scientist-explorer who led the first expedition through the Grand Canyon and became the second director of the U.S. Geological Survey. The John Wesley Powell Fund was established in 1980 and provides support for geology students, faculty, and programs, with particular emphasis on initiatives related to field experiences, student and faculty research and travel, and field camp.

Peggy Redshaw and Jerry Lincecum Endowed Scholarship in Biological Sciences

The Peggy Redshaw and Jerry Lincecum Endowed Scholarship in Biological Sciences was established in 2019. The scholarship will support a student majoring in Biological Science at Illinois State University.

Fluder Geography Impact Fund

To establish a fund supporting student scholarships and other program needs in Geography and Environmental Sciences

Lee Ann Murray "Everything Counts" Actuarial Science Endowed Scholarship

Lee Ann Murray graduated from Illinois State University in 2012 with a bachelor of science in Actuarial Science and a minor in insurance. Lee Ann thoroughly enjoyed mathematics. While at Illinois State, Lee Ann was involved in the Honors Program, served as Vice President in Membership in Toastmasters, and held memberships in the Society of Actuaries and Gamma Iota Sigma - Illinois State University, Katie School of Insurance and Financial Services, Alpha Kappa Chapter. Lee Ann tragically passed away in September 2014. This scholarship was established by her family, friends, and colleagues in her honor to benefit deserving Actuarial Science students.

Dr. John Baldwin Leadership Award Fund

The Dr. John Baldwin Leadership Award recognizes student leaders who demonstrate a commitment to the University, their peers, and their own education. Founding donor, Matthew Klusas, graduated from Illinois State University with a B.S. in public relations summa cum laude with honors in 2003. He created this award in honor of Dr. John Baldwin, a professor in the School of Communication, who like many of his colleagues, teaches students the value of scholarship and charity in service to the university community. Dr. Baldwin was instrumental in helping Matt get accepted to study at Magdalen College of the University of Oxford, where he was inspired to start the debating tradition with Lambda Pi Eta upon his return to Illinois State University.

Louis E. Miglio History Education Scholarship

This fund was established by Louis E. Miglio. He maintained a close relationship with Illinois State University and truly felt these endowed funds were a way to make a small payment for the good education he received at Illinois State. Miglio served in the Navy, graduated from Illinois State in 1949, and was awarded a Fulbright Teacher Exchangeship with England. His love of history was expanded there through seeing historical sites that made history come alive. Miglio taught in Pekin for three years and earned his master's degree. He then taught in Decatur from 1952 through 1982. He always told his students, "No matter what occupation or career you choose, be the best you can be and enjoy it!" Each candidate for this fund must be admitted as a student at Illinois State University with a declared major of History Education and demonstrate a financial need.

Armstrong Costa Rican Rainforest Studies Scholarship

The Armstrong Costa Rican rainforest Studies Scholarship Fund was created to assist graduate students with their expenses that are incurred when taking the Rain Forest ecology course for the Biological Sciences major.

Edith Robinson Mathmatics Scholarship

G. Edith Robinson, a 1945 graduate, set up this fund to honor ISU as well as outstanding students attending the University. Robinson hopes others might make gifts to this fund. Her intent is to help motivate young prospective mathematics teachers excel in the area of mathematics. The scholarships are to be awarded to outstanding students beginning their junior or senior year. These students should be top scholars and should demonstrate leadership ablilities. Students should be prospective mathematics teachers. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. G. Edith Robinson, a 1945 graduate, set up this fund to honor ISU as well as outstanding students attending the University. Robinson hopes others might make gifts to this fund. Her intent is to help motivate young prospective mathematics teachers excel in the area of mathematics. The scholarships are to be awarded to outstanding students beginning their junior or senior year. These students should be top scholars and should demonstrate leadership abilities. Students should be prospective mathematics teachers.

Kay B. Wilson Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2002 by Kay Wilson. She is a 1963 mathematics graduate of Illinois State University, received her master's degree in math education from University of Illinois, taught math in local schools ranging from junior high to college, worked in the State Farm systems processing area for 22 years, and has returned to teaching. Kay has been engaged in volunteer work helping low income women and encouraging girls to consider challenging careers, particularly in fields related to mathematics. She and her husband, Tom, have two sons. The scholarship is awarded to a female student majoring in mathematics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Kay B. Wilson Scholarship was established in 2002 by Kay Wilson. She is a 1963 mathematics graduate of Illinois State University, received her master's degree in math education from University of Illinois, taught math in local schools ranging from junior high to college, worked in the State Farm systems processing area for 22 years, and has returned to teaching. Kay has been engaged in volunteer work helping low income women and encouraging girls to consider challenging careers, particularly in fields related to mathematics. She and her husband, Tom, have two sons. The scholarship supports a student who understands and promotes the the value of diversity, including women, in the field of mathematics.

Robert C. Shears Endowment

The purpose of the Robert C. Shears Endowment is to provide student scholarship support. Each candidate for the endowment must be enrolled in good standing at ISU, have earned a minimum of 30 credit hours at ISU, be a declared major in the Department of Physics preference will be given to students with demonstrated interest in energy and/or enviornmental issues), and use the scholarship award to defray educational expenses. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Robert C. Shears Endowment provides scholarship support for a Physics student enrolled in good standing at ISU, who has earned a minimum of 30 credit hours. Preference is given to students with demonstrated interest in energy and/or environmental issues.

John Gueguen Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1996 by John Gueguen, and his family, friends and colleagues in honor of his retirement. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore or junior political science major who has demonstrated special interest and ability in the study of political philosophy. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The John Gueguen Scholarship was established in 1996 by John Gueguen and his family, friends, and colleagues in honor of his retirement. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore or junior political science major who has demonstrated special interest and ability in the study of political philosophy.

George R. Means Geography Scholarship

The George R. Means Scholarship provides financial support & encouragement to students in the Department of Geography-Geology at ISU who are of high character, show strong promise and have potential to improve society. Each year, the graduating class will normally include one or more George R. Means Scholars. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The George R. Means Scholarship provides financial support and encouragement to students in the Department of Geography-Geology at ISU who are of high character, show strong promise, and have potential to improve society. Each year, the graduating class will normally include one or more George R. Means Scholars.

College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Scholar Fund

This endowment was established in 2005 by the College of Arts and Sciences as a means of supporting outstanding undergraduate students. Students in the college’s departments who have peer-reviewed research papers or works accepted at major state, national, or international meetings related to their academic majors are eligible to apply. Monies may be used to assist with the travel, registration, and housing costs associated with the presentation of the paper or work at a professional meeting. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Scholar Fund was established in 2005 by the College of Arts and Sciences to support outstanding undergraduate students. Students in the college's departments who have peer-reviewed research papers or works accepted at major state, national, or international meetings related to their academic majors are eligible to apply. Monies may be used to assist with the travel, registration, and housing costs associated with the presentation of the paper or work at a professional meeting.

Mary K. Keiser Scholarship

This fund was established in 2007 by Mary Keiser, who grew up in Gillespie, Illinois and graduated from Illinois State University in 1966 with a Bachelor of Science in Education in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is married to Bob Keiser, and they have three children. Mary started a speech pathology program at Ft. Rucker Elementary School in Alabama and worked in Louisiana for several years before retiring to raise a family. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial help for educational expenses, including tuition and fees, for deserving students who will then help deserving children. Candidates must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0, be a declared major in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and have earned at least 60 credit hours or be a graduate student. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This fund was established in 2007 by Mary Keiser, who grew up in Gillespie, Illinois and graduated from Illinois State University in 1966 with a Bachelor of Science in Education in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is married to Bob Keiser, and they have three children. Mary started a speech pathology program at Ft. Rucker Elementary School in Alabama and worked in Louisiana for several years before retiring to raise a family.

Darrel A. Sutter Scholarship

In August 2009, Darrel Sutter made a gift to establish this endowed fund, providing support to students majoring in history-social studies education. Sutter grew up on a farm near Colfax and graduated from ISNU in 1960 with a degree in social science education and taught at Roanoke-Benson High School until 1995. Having to work many hours every week during college, it was difficult for him to focus on studies. It is his hope that this scholarship will free students from that worry. Each candidate must be accepted or enrolled in good standing as a full-time student, be a declared major in history-social sciences education in the Department of History, have completed at least two courses in sociology or economics, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 / 4.0, complete an application and essay, and have demonstrated financial need. The funds are to be used for educational expenses. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. In August 2009, Darrel Sutter made a gift to establish this endowed fund, providing support to students majoring in history-social studies education. Sutter grew up on a farm near Colfax and graduated from ISNU in 1960 with a degree in social science education and taught at Roanoke-Benson High School until 1995. Having to work many hours every week during college, it was difficult for him to focus on studies. It is his hope that this scholarship will free students from that worry.

Anne M. Semlak Memorial Scholarship for Women's and Gender Studies Endowment Fund

This fund is established in loving memory of Anne Marie Semlak, Class of 2001. In remembrance of Anne, her family has established this scholarship to assist undergraduate and graduate students active in Women's and Gender Studies at ISU. This fund will be established by contributions from family and friends of Anne Semlak. Each candidate for an award must be or have: A. Enrolled in good standing at ISU as either an undergraduate or graduate student. B. Completed a minimum of 45 semester hours and be active in the Women's and Gender Studies program. C. Demonstrate financial need. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Anne M. Semlak Memorial Scholarship for Women's and Gender Studies Endowment Fund was established by family and friends in loving memory of Anne Marie Semlak, Class of 2001. Anne was very active in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Illinois State University and graduated with a degree in political science with minors in both women's studies and peace studies. She won the Women's Studies Achievement Award in 2001. She worked with juvenile offenders to provide an alternative to the court system through mediation and was a coordinator of youth programs at a middle school and high school. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist undergraduate and graduate students who are active in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Illinois State University.

Charlena Wallen Scholarship

The Charlena Wallen Memorial Scholarship in Biology was established in memory of Charlena Wallen by her husband Donald Wallen, a building services worker in Felmley Hall in 2002. The Scholarship is awarded annually to a student conducting research in Felmley Hall.

Audrey J. Grupe Fellowship in School Psychology

This endowment was established in 2003 by Audrey J. Grupe and Mary Jane McCarthy. The fellowship is awarded to a full-time student in the school psychology program working towards a specialist degree. The student will be a U.S. citizen with an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution located in Illinois or Indiana. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Audrey J. Grupe Fellowship in School Psychology was established in 2003 by Audrey J. Grupe and Mary Jane McCarthy. The fellowship is awarded to a full-time student in the school psychology program working towards a specialist degree. The student will be a U.S. citizen with an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution located in Illinois or Indiana.

Darrel A. Sutter Text Book Scholarship and Social Sciences Writing Award Endowment Fund

Darrel Sutter grew up on a farm near Colfax. He attended Illinois State Normal University where he earned a degree in social science education. He created this fund because of his great passion for the University, the educational opportunities it offers to students, and his desire to provide students who wish to teach on the high school level a start toward success in their college career. Sutter retired from teaching in 2005 and still misses the engagement with students. This endowment will provide a text book scholarship each fall to a student who attends Illinois State University.

Additionally Supports: Darrel A. Sutter Social Sciences Writing Award, Darrel A. Sutter Text Book Scholarship

Gleynafa T. Ray Scholarship

The endowment was established in 1990 by Gleynafa T. Ray for the purpose of recognizing and providing scholarship support to “top” history education majors. Ray attended Illinois State Normal University from 1926-1930 with majors in history, English, and education. She taught history in high schools in Victoria, Rockford,and Iowa City. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Gleynafa T. Ray Scholarship was established in 1990 by Gleynafa T. Ray for the purpose of recognizing and providing scholarship support to "top" history education majors. Ray attended Illinois State Normal University from 1926-1930 with majors in history, English, and education. She taught history in high schools in Victoria, Rockford, and Iowa City.

Dr. Fred Gletten Scholarship

Fred Gletten gives this scholarship as part of his contribution to the school that helped to nurture his foundation in science and challenged his scientific reasoning. He would like to help pave the way for future scientists yearning to make a contribution to the institution of medicine. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Fred Gletten Scholarship was established by Fred Gletten as part of his contribution to the school that helped to nurture his foundation in science and challenged his scientific reasoning. Dr. Gletten wanted to pave the way for future scientists yearning to make a contribution to the institution of medicine.

Philosophy Excellence Fund

The Philosophy Excellence Fund supports the production of original scholarship by Philosophy students and faculty. The funds are used to support student travel to conferences where they present their own original philosophical scholarship to their peers and to faculty from other universities. The Excellence Fund also supports the Department's Textbook Award which provides resources to students who need financial assistance in purchasing the books and materials required for their Philosophy courses.

Additionally Supports: Outstanding Senior Scholarship

Kenneth and Marilyn Kennard Philosophy Fund

This endowment was established in 1998 through a gift from Kenneth and Marilyn Kennard. Kenneth was the philosophy department's first chairperson, and a member of the faculty from 1969 until his retirement in 1988. The fund provides financial resources for current and future department projects. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 1998 by a generous gift from Kenneth and Marylin Kennard. Dr. Ken Kennard was the first Chairperson of the department and a member of the Philosophy faculty from 1969 until his retirement in 1988. The fund supports the Kenneth and Marilyn Kennard Outstanding Graduating Student Scholarship which is awarded annually to an outstanding Philosophy major in the last year of the program.

Illinois State University Solar Car Team

The Illinois State University Solar Car Team is a student-led organization that designs, builds, and races solar vehicles against teams from around the world. The team consists of a multidisciplinary group of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty who volunteer time and energy to advance their skills and the promise of renewable energy. The award-winning team successfully builds a new solar car every five years. Your gift will help to provide technology and equipment, as well as cover expenses for travel to national collegiate competitions.

Illinois Art Station Fund

The Interactive Art Initiative Fund was established by Dr. Laura E. Berk to support the exploration, development, and sustainability of hands-on visual arts programming and space to serve children, and their families in the community, through coordination with Illinois State University. In 2018, a restatement of the original agreement renamed the fund the Illinois Art Station Fund and modified the fund purpose. Effective July 1, 2020, the Illinois Art Station Fund will support ISU graduate assistantships and other eligible student workers with experiential learning and instructional opportunities associated with Illinois Art Station. Selection of student personnel will be in accordance with university policies and procedures.

Illinois Geographic Alliance Endowment Fund

The Illinois Geographic Alliance Endowment Fund was created in 2018 to support K-12 geography education in Illinois. The amount available to spend will be determined in accordance with the Foundation's Investment Spending Policy and shall be used in whole or in part to support programs conducted by the Alliance to improve K-12 geography education in Illinois.

The WGLT Future Endowment Fund

The WGLT Future Endowment Fund was established in 2011 through a generous gift from the Estate of Laura P. Sullivan. It was created to honor her longtime support of WGLT Radio. The fund is to be used for the general operating expenses of WGLT as determined by the general manager of WGLT in consultation with the executive director of the School of Communication.

Friends of WCBU Fund

WCBU public radio serves the Peoria area and is managed by WGLT, Illinois State University's public radio station. The Friends of WCBU Fund provides support for WCBU's activities, programs and operations. WGLT public radio is licensed to Illinois State University and is part of Illinois State University School of Communication.

Fund for Disease Control and Prevention Research

The purpose of this fund is to provide additional resources to Illinois State University faculty conducting research in the area of human disease control and prevention.

Dr. Larry W. Long and Dr. Penelope N. Long Impact Fund

The Dr. Larry W. Long and Dr. Penelope N. Long Impact Fund was established to create support for the projects in the School of Communication. Projects that this fund can impact can include, but are not limited to: faculty and staff initiatives, equipment needs for WGLT, WZND, TV-10, and Social Media Analytics Command Center, and program support for Forensics and the Vidette. The Dr. Larry W. Long and Dr. Penelope N. Long Impact Fund was established to create support for the projects in the School of Communication. Projects that this fund can impact can include, but are not limited to: faculty and staff initiatives, equipment needs for WGLT, WZND, TV-10, and Social Media Analytics Command Center, and program support for Forensics and the Vidette.

Politics and Government Department Fund

The Politics and Government Department Fund supports the general operating needs of the Politics and Government Department at Illinois State University. The Politics and Government department has always remained at the forefront of training the leaders of the future - in the field of public service, research, and teaching. Its goal is to prepare students to better understand the world, be informed citizens, and to contribute to the establishment of a just and peaceful community - both local and global. The Politics and Government Department Fund supports the general operating needs of the Politics and Government Department at Illinois State University. The Politics and Government department has always remained at the forefront of training the leaders of the future - in the field of public service, research, and teaching. Its goal is to prepare students to better understand the world, be informed citizens, and to contribute to the establishment of a just and peaceful community - both local and global.

Eric Hoss Family Impact Fund

The Eric Hoss Family Impact Fund was established in 2021 to support the activities, scholarships, programs, professional development, and operations associated with The Vidette. The Scholarship, referred to as the Eric Hoss Vidette Scholarship, supports a student who is a member of The Vidette staff who has exhibited journalistic excellence over the course of the academic year.

Actuarial Science Program Fund

The Actuarial Science Program Fund provides educational support to actuarial science students.

Additionally Supports: Actuarial Examination Fee Support, Country Financial Scholar, DW Simpson Scholar, Exam CAS-S and/or Manual, Exam CAS-ST and/or Manual, Exam SOA-C/CAS-4 and/or Manual, Exam SOA-FM/CAS-2 and/or Manual, Exam SOA-MFE/CAS-3F and/or Manual, Exam SOA-MLC and/or Seminar, Exam SOA-P/CAS-1 and/or Manual, FAP Final Assessment, FAP Interim Assessment, Great American Financial Group Scholarship, Katie Scholars, Milliman Scholar, Pinnacle Scholar, Statistical Project, Zurich Scholar

Kenneth N. Berk Graduate Summer Research Fellowship and/or Lecture Series in Statistics

This endowment was established in 2003 with the combined cash and deferred gifts of David E. and Stephane E. Booth and a cash contribution of Kenneth N. Berk. The purpose of the fund is to pay expenses associated with bringing an outstanding speaker about current topics in the statistical sciences to Illinois State University. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Kenneth N. Berk Graduate Summer Research Fellowship and/or Lecture Series in Statistics endowment was established in 2003 with the combined cash and deferred gifts of David E. and Stephanie E. Booth and a cash contribution of Kenneth N. Berk. The purpose of the fund is to provide a graduate student, majoring in statistics, a summer research fellowship to supplement a graduate assistantship. The student must have successfully completed the first two semesters of his/her graduate work in the Applied Statistics sequence in the Mathematics Masters program and be working with a faculty advisor on specific research in statistics. The fund may also cover expenses associated with bringing in an outstanding speaker in the statistical sciences.

Communication Sciences and Disorders General Fund

The Communication Sciences and Disorders General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Vidette Enhancement Fund

The Vidette Enhancement Fund provides support for the activities, programs and operations of the Daily Vidette. The Vidette is Illinois State University's student newspaper.

Endowment for Forensics Fund

The Endowment for Forensics Fund was created by former students and faculty of the Forensics program at Illinois State University for the purpose of ensuring resources for the growth and success of the program. The primary purpose of the fund is to support travel of the Forensics team. If all primary needs of the program are met, the fund may also be used at the discretion of the director of Forensics for program improvements.

First Star Academy Fund

The First Star Academy Fund supports the activities, programs and operations connected to the First Star Academy program at Illinois State University. The First Start Academy program is part of the School of Social Work at Illinois State University.

Geography, Geology and Environment Department Fund

The Geography, Geology, and the Environment department houses the Geography and Geology Programs. The Geography Program at Illinois State is one of two or three oldest in the country and was one of the first programs established on the Illinois State campus. The Geology program was established in 1969. The purpose of the Geography, Geology and Environment department fund is to support program development and operations.

History Department General Fund

The History Department General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: Internship (Museum) Scholarship, Study Abroad Scholarship, Sutter Student Teaching Scholarship

Physics Department General Fund

The Physics General Fund supports the activities, programs and operations associated with the Physics Department.

Chemistry Department General Fund

The Chemistry Department General Fund was established in 1979 to support the activities, programs, and operations, including scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: Outstanding Analytical Chemistry Student, Outstanding Biochem Student, Outstanding Chem Ed Student, Outstanding Inorganic Chemistry Student, Outstanding Physical Chemistry Student, POLYED Organic Award, edTPA Scholarship

School of Communication General Fund

The School of Communication General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, initiatives, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, in the School of Communication.

Additionally Supports: Caterpillar Scholarship

TV 10 General Fund

The TV 10 General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations of station. Since TV-10's inception in 1974, the station has produced hundreds of successful professionals throughout the state and the country, both in front of the camera as well as behind.TV-10 is part of the School of Communication in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Spoon River Poetry Review

The Spoon River Poetry Review fund was established in 1991 to provide support, including publication review expenses and the annual Lucia Getsi/Spoon River poetry reading, for the Spoon River Poetry Review published through the Illinois State University Publications Unit.

Dr. Roger C. Anderson Restoration Ecology Research Fund

Roger C. Anderson joined the ISU faculty in 1976 where he was a University distinguished professor emeritus of plant ecology after his retirement in 2008. Over the course of his career at seven universities, he authored many publications; was an invited speaker at many symposia, conferences, and professional meetings; served on multiple boards and commissions; and received many awards, including the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Researcher Award and the University Service Award at Illinois State University. This fund will be used to support guest speakers and/or student attendance at symposia related to Roger Anderson's work, including savannah and prairie restoration, and/or environmental science. Roger C. Anderson joined the ISU faculty in 1976 where he was a University distinguished professor emeritus of plant ecology after his retirement in 2008. Over the course of his career at seven universities, he authored many publications; was an invited speaker at many symposia, conferences, and professional meetings; served on multiple boards and commissions; and received many awards, including the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Researcher Award and the University Service Award at Illinois State University. This fund will be used to support guest speakers and/or student attendance at symposia and also student research related to Roger Anderson's work, including savannah and prairie restoration, and/or environmental science.

Geology Excellence Fund

The Geology Excellence Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the Geology Program. Gifts help enhance the quality of the Geology Program and ensure that its teaching and research facilities, scientific instrumentation, and laboratories, remain up to date.

ISU Publications Unit Fund

The Publications Unit builds upon the interests and strengths of the department's faculty, staff, and students working within the field and studies of publishing. The Publications Unit Publishing Award is intended to enhance this mission by acknowledging the excellent work of students involved in the study of publishing and nonprofit literary arts.

Sociology Anthropology Excellence Fund

The Sociology Anthropology General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: American Sociological Asscn Disting Sociology Grad Student, Charter Department Graduate Excellence Award, Ed Jelks Outstanding Anthropology Senior Award, Outstanding Senior Thesis, Rising Anthropologist Award, Rising Sociologist Award, Robert Dirks Award, Wib Leonard Scholarship in Quantitative/Sociology of Sport

Roger C. and M. Rebecca Anderson Natural History Endowment

Roger Anderson joined the Illinois State faculty in 1976. He was named as University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Plant Ecology after his retirement there in 2008. During his career he authored many peer-reviewed publications and a map of historic Illinois prairies, co-edited a book published by Cambridge University Press, made many professional presentations, mentored many doctoral and master's degree students, served as an officer for many professional organizations, and chaired and served on many McLean County committees and boards. Roger and his wife, M. Rebecca Anderson, established this fund in 2012 to foster interactions between natural history scientists, practitioners involved in restoration and management of natural systems, and the general public.

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program Fund

The Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program Fund supports program events and services provided by the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, and provides support to further the business priorities of the program and Illinois State University.

Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Fund supports the activities, programs and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Social Work General Fund

The Social Work General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the School of Social Work.

Doris Dungey Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship is given in loving memory of Doris Dungey who received her Bachelor's degree in English and Philosophy from ISU in 1982 and her Master's degree in English Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Each candidate must be or have: A. Accepted for enrollment or enrolled in good standing at ISU. B. Demonstrated academic achievement, as evidenced by accumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. C. have a declared major in Journalism. D. Demonstrated financial need. E. work experience, extracurricular or volunteer activities (special emphasis for work on high school newspaper, year-book, or related experience). F. Used for educational expenses. G. Sample of published writing or graded essay along with a brief description of why it was chosen. H. Essay explaining why the applicant is interested in pursuing a career in journalism. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. This scholarship is given in loving memory of Doris Dungey who received her Bachelor's degree in English and Philosophy from ISU in 1982 and her Master's degree in English Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Martin F. Duffy Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2003 in memory of Martin F. Duffy, a 1979 graduate, by family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in communication, with a preference given to those majoring in journalism. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Martin F. Duffy Scholarship was established in 2003 in memory of Martin F. Duffy, a 1979 graduate, by family, friends, and colleagues. Martin F. Duffy earned a bachelor's degree in English/Communication from Illinois State University in 1979. He started his own firm, I/D Communications, in 1987. Recognized for his ability to get things done on time, within budget and always with a smile in the fast-paced public relations world, he successfully led the company until his untimely death on November 3, 2002. It is the hope of the founding donors that Marty's legacy of integrity, impeccable professional standards, and enthusiasm for life can be honored and perpetuated by Duffy Scholarship Recipients. Their good work assures a proper tribute to their benefactor.

Drs. Steven and Jill Doner Kagle Undergraduate Assistantship Endowment

The purpose of the Drs. Steven and Jill Doner Kagle Undergraduate Assistantship is to encourage student interest in American literature and culture and to enhance the English Department's offerings in American literature; to help the department attract and retain quality students and to provide some students with the preparation and credentials for future success; and to serve as a model for future expansion of UTA opportunities.The endowment earnings will support undergraduate English majors who serve as undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs) for faculty teaching lower-level American literature courses, such as English 130--Survey of American Literature or English 131--American Culture: Traditions and Texts. Students serving as UGAs for distance learning or summer travel classes in American literature and culture are also eligible for support.

COUNTRY Financial Actuarial Science Scholarship

The COUNTRY Financial Actuarial Science Scholarship was established by COUNTRY Financial in order to support students studying Actuarial Science.

Swanson Scholarship for Secondary Education Majors

The Swanson Scholarship for Secondary Education Majors was established by Sharon Swanson in 2020. The scholarship supports students pursuing a secondary teacher education degree in one of the disciplines in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need who are an incoming freshman or a senior who is beginning student teaching. Applicants must submit a short essay (max. 300 words) describing the importance and value of diversity, including men and persons of color, in the teaching profession.

Illinois Broadcasters Association Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Illinois Broadcasters Association Endowed Scholarship was created in 2011 by the Illinois Broadcasters Association in recognition of the excellent education offered by the School of Communication at Illinois State University. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize those students who seek a career in media management, sales, and promotion in broadcasting.

Ana Maria F. Parent Scholarship

The Ana Maria F. Parent Endowed Scholarship was created in 2015 by Dr. Joseph Laurenti. Ana was born May 10, 1944 in Havana, Cuba. She came to the United States in 1962 as an 18-year-old participant in a program called Operation Pedro Pan (Peter Pan), an initiative led by the Catholic Church to spare children of the ideological indoctrination of the new communist government in Cuba. Her parents came to the United States four years later. The scholarship is awarded to a student accepted for enrollment or enrolled in good standing at Illinois State University majoring in Spanish in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Applicants must have completed or be enrolled in at least two courses in the Spanish language major and complete an application form that includes a statement addressing the student's interest in Spanish, career goals, and volunteer activities/community service. The Scholarship will help to preserve Ana Parent's memory and legacy.

David J. Parent Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1998 by family and friends in memory of David Parent. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in a foreign language, with students majoring in German to be given a preference. Majors in Spanish and then French would be given the next priority. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The David J. Parent Scholarship was established in 1998 by family and friends in memory of David Parent. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in a foreign language, with students majoring in German to be given a preference. Majors in Spanish and then French would be given the next priority.

James E. Elander Mathematics Teaching Endowed Scholarship

James Emmett Elander lived a life of mathematics education. Jim obtained an undergraduate degree from Western Illinois University and a Masters degree from Illinois State in the 1950s. His wife, Marjorie "Midge" Elander (née Paulsen), obtained an undergraduate degree from Illinois State, also. Jim was an Associate Professor at North Central College during the 1980s. Prior to his college professorship, he taught at Oak Park and River Forest High School (Oak Park, Illinois) for 25 years and was head of the school's Mathematics Department for many of those years. Jim's first textbook consolidated the conventional two years of high school geometry into one year allowing time for high school seniors to start Calculus --> Geometry For Decision Making was published by South Western in 1992. Jim brought that approach to his own self-published Plane and Solid Geometry Essentials With Everyday Decision Making, 2022. This book and five other self-published math books, Basic High School Math Review, TGIF Math, Team Working for Better Math Students, A Book For Thinkers, and Math Bridges To A Better Future, are all available through Xlibris Publishing. Jim valued applied geometry to educate people in critical thinking. The James E. Elander Mathematics Teaching Endowed Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a graduate student with concentration in secondary mathematics education to be used for tuition and book expenses. This scholarship also honors the Illinois State Mathematics professor, Dr. B.R. Ulsvick under whom Jim studied and for whom Midge, Jim's wife, worked as secretary.

Barbara J. Hummel Fund

The Barbara J. Hummel Fund was established to assist the education of first-generation college students who are studying in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Wilson Family Model United Nations Endowment

The Wilson Family Model United Nations Endowment was established in 2018 to support travel and registration costs for students in the department to attend Model United Nations through Illinois State University.

Thomas J. Perun Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship

This Scholarship is in recognition of Thomas J. Perun, Jr. who graduated from ISU with a degree in chemistry and went on to have an important career in the sciences.

Pecora-Keane Family Scholarship

The Pecora-Keane Family Scholarship was established by Mary Anne Keane in order to provide those students studying Public Relations or students in the School of Communications assistance when faced with unexpected medical diagnosis or other unanticipated obstacle.

Craig W. Reeser Scholarship in the Social Sciences Endowment

The Craig W. Reeser Scholarship in the Social Sciences Endowment supports students majoring in one of the undergraduate degree programs, or a graduate student accepted to an advanced degree program, in the Social Sciences, within the College of Arts and Sciences. Craig Reeser graduated from ISU in 1975 with degrees in Political Science and Sociology. In 2005, after the death of Craig's father, W. E. Reeser, Craig decided to "give back to the university" through his inheritance and established the Craig W. Reeser Scholarship in the Social Sciences. The Social Sciences include the Department of Economics, History, Politics and Government, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, School of Social Work, and Speech Pathology and Audiology. The goal is to provide opportunity for educational support to students across a wide-range of study.

Skibo Scholars Scholarship

The Skibo Scholarship was established to support underserved first time in college students with an interest in anthropology or sociology by building community, creating a sense of belonging, and empowering them with the skills, tools, and connections to flourish in the pursuit of their dreams at ISU.

Ronald E. Severson Endowed Scholarship

The Ronald E. Severson Endowed Scholarship was established by Ronald Severson in order to benefit students who are majoring in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Tom and Connie (Kostopoulos) Kitzinger Scholarship for the School of Communication

The Tom and Connie (Kostopoulos) Kitzinger Scholarship for the School of Communication was established by Thomas and Constance (Kostopoulos) Kitzinger in 2024 to provide support for a student in the school. The focus of the scholarship will be to recruit an freshman for any major within the School of Communication. Tom and Connie want this scholarship to not only serve as a way to recruit a student to Illinois State University, but continue support for the student through graduation. Therefore, this scholarship is renewable provided student continues to meet criteria.

Swerdlik Graduate Student in School Psychology Recruitment Scholarship

The Swerdlik Graduate Student Recruitment Scholarship was established in 2021 by Mark and Peggy Swerdlik. The scholarship is awarded to a top incoming graduate student enrolled in the Doctoral of Specialist degree program in School Psychology at Illinois State University. Candidate must demonstrate potential to contribute to the field of school psychology as either a future practitioner or university educator.

Ben Keeley Scholarship

Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Ben Keeley Scholarship is awarded to a senior sociology major and recognizes a student who has demonstrated significant involvement in service and/or volunteer work to the community with a monetary award. To be eligible the student must have: 1.Earned at least 90 credit hours 2.Have a 3.0 GPA in the major 3.Submit a completed application 4.Provide at least two letters of recommendation with one being from an Illinois State University faculty member and at least one from a person who is familiar with the service/volunteer work of the student 5.Submit a 600 word essay on the relevance of sociology to service and volunteerism in American communities. The Ben Keeley Scholarship is awarded to a senior sociology major and recognizes a student who has demonstrated significant involvement in service and/or volunteer work to the community with a monetary award. To be eligible the student must have earned at least 90 credit hours, have a 3.0 GPA in the major, and a completed application. Along with an application form, students are required to supply at least two letters of recommendation with one being from an Illinois State University faculty member and at least one from a person who is familiar with the service/volunteer work of the student. In addition, the student will submit a 600 word essay on the relevance of sociology to service and volunteerism in American communities. This award is announced in the spring during the department awards luncheon and ceremony.

Sol Shulman Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1991 by Sol Shulman. The scholarship is awarded to a student, majoring in chemistry. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. "I tried my best." this statement is how Sol Shulman wanted to be remembered. As a survivor of the Holocaust, when Dr. Shulman emigrated to the United States a world of possibilities were offered to him. He remained grateful for these opportunities and has funded the Sol Shulman Endowed Scholarship Fund because of this debt of gratitude. A longtime professor and chair of the Chemistry department, and a true longtime friend to Illinois State University, Dr. Sol Shulman offered his guidance, support and direction to countless ISU students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Dr. Shulman certainly "tried his best" and delivered upon his pledge to compensate the United States for his freedom.

Walter Vernon Scholarship Fund

The scholarship was established by friends and family of Walter Vernon, a professor of psychology at Illinois State University from 1963 until his death in 1988. He was noted for his teaching in general psychology and his love of writing. The scholarship benefits students majoring in psychology. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Walter Vernon Scholarship was established by friends and family of Walter Vernon, a professor of psychology at Illinois State University from 1963 until his death in 1988. He was noted for his teaching in general psychology and his love of writing. The scholarship benefits students majoring in psychology.

Pantagraph Endowed Scholarship Fund

Jesse Fell founded the Pantagraph on January 14, 1837, a full 10 years before the Chicago Tribune was conceived. In support of the ISU campaign, Redefining "Normal," the Pantagraph made a five-year (2004-2009) $25,000 gift commitment designated to the School of Communication. An endowed scholarship named in honor of the Pantagraph has been established to provide educational support to students preparing for professional work as journalists and/or in the area of mass communication. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Jesse Fell founded the Pantagraph on January 14, 1837, a full 10 years before the Chicago Tribune was conceived. In support of the ISU campaign, Redefining "Normal," the Pantagraph made a five-year (2004-2009) $25,000 gift commitment designated to the School of Communication. An endowed scholarship named in honor of the Pantagraph has been established to provide educational support to students preparing for professional work as journalists and/or in the area of mass communication.

Wilma and Donald R. Haerr Scholarship for Nontraditional Students

Wilma Haerr was 40 when she enrolled as a freshman at Illinois State University. She had vowed to stay home with her children while they were young since her own mother had been forced to work outside the home to support the family after her father left. In 1977, Wilma received her bachelor's degree in social work. Donald R. Haerr had attended Illinois State as a young adult. He completed his degree in agriculture at the U. of I. He and Wilma met the summer after his graduation and married in 1954. Care and concern for the homeless, the poor, those who lack education, and people in general is what motivated Wilma and Donald to establish this fund in 2006 to support students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in social work. Students must be 25 years of age or older. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Wilma Haerr was 40 when she enrolled as a freshman at Illinois State University. She had vowed to stay home with her children while they were young since her own mother had been forced to work outside the home to support the family after her father left. In 1977, Wilma received her bachelor's degree in social work. Donald R. Haerr had attended Illinois State as a young adult. He completed his degree in agriculture at the U. of I. He and Wilma met the summer after his graduation and married in 1954. Care and concern for the homeless, the poor, those who lack education, and people in general is what motivated Wilma and Donald to establish this fund in 2006 to support students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in social work. Students must be 25 years of age or older.

Kyle C. Sessions Honors Scholarship in History

This endowment was established in 1999 by Kyle and Jean Sessions and many family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student in the honors program in the Department of History. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Kyle C. Sessions Honors Scholarship in History was established in 1999 by Kyle and Jean Sessions and many family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student in the honors program in the Department of History.

James Todd Wilborn Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1986 as a memorial of James Todd Wilborn by his family. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore student who intends to major in history. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The James Todd Wilborn Scholarship was established in 1986 as a memorial of James Todd Wilborn by his family. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore student who intends to major in History.

Les Vann Scholarship

The Les Vann Scholarship was established in 2019 by Leslie and Shannon Vann. The scholarship supports a TV-10 student in his or her junior or senior year.

Neuleib-Scharton Scholarship

The Neuleib-Scharton Award is presented to the graduate student and undergraduate student who have written the best papers in rhetoric, composition, and writing studies in history, theory, or criticism. It honors Professors Jan Neuleib and Maurice Scharton, whose work together within and beyond the Department serves as a reminder that rhetoric and writing practices are inherently collaborative and thus essential to building and sustaining community.

Leola Lohr Nelson Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Leola Lohr Nelson was born in 1915 during the Great Depression, and its impact reverberated throughout the rest of her life. She attended the University of Iowa for three years until financial strain forced her to leave her education. She married Stanley Nelson in 1940. They had four children. Leola always stressed the importance of education to them. Later in her life she was able to continue her own education through correspondence courses and began a career as a medical records librarian. Leola's children all learned fiscal responsibility and the importance of a good education from her. More importantly they learned the importance of good moral values and giving back a portion of what they were blessed to possess. This scholarship represents her children's wishes that Leola's legacy of giving continues and blesses others.

George Canning Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1976 by family, friends, and colleagues in memory of George Canning, professor of English at Illinois State University. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in English in a field most allied to British Literature. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 1976 by family, friends, and colleagues in memory of George Canning, professor of English at Illinois State University. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in English in a field most allied to British Literature.

Harold J. Born Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Harold J. Born Memorial Scholarship was established to encourage incoming freshman to come to Illinois State University and major in Physics.

John and Susan Freed Scholarship in the Liberal Arts

This endowment was established in 2004 by John and Susan Freed. The scholarship is awarded to a student who has completed at least seventy-five semester hours, is enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, and is classified by the Office of Disability Concerns as disabled. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The John and Susan Freed Scholarship in the Liberal Arts was established in 2004 by John and Susan Freed. The scholarship is awarded to a student who has completed at least seventy-five semester hours, is enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, and is registered with the ISU Office of Student Access and Accommodation Services.

Neil and Joan Styczynski Scholarship

In November 2007 Neil & Joan Styczynski established the Neil and Joan Styczynski Scholarship as a permanently endowed fund in support of the education community of Central Illinois. With the scholarship, they are "paying back" the generosity from which they benefited. It is their hope that the recipients of this scholarship will "pay it forward" in helping and affecting lives of young people in a positive way.

Eunice Blackburn Geography Scholarship

This endowment was established by Jane Blackburn in the name of her sister, Eunice Blackburn. The Blackburn Scholarship provides support to seniors majoring in geography who are pursuing their undergraduate capstone experience. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Eunice Blackburn Geography Scholarship was established by Jane Blackburn in the name of her sister, Eunice Blackburn. The Blackburn Scholarship provides support to seniors majoring in geography who are pursuing their undergraduate capstone experience.

Ph.D. Mathematics Education Scholarship

This endowment was established by Carol Thornton and her husband Denis in 1996. The scholarship is awarded to full-time doctoral student in the Ph.D. program in math education in the department of mathematics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Ph.D. Mathematics Education Scholarship was established by Carol Thornton and her husband Denis in 1996. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time doctoral student in the Ph.D. program in math education in the department of mathematics.

Michael D. and Patricia A. Sublett Geography Professional Development Fund

The Michael D. and Patricia A. Sublett Geography Professional Development Fund was established in 2020 to support professional development for students in the Geography program at Illinois State who are Geography and Geography Education majors. The Sublett family moved to Bloomington-Normal in August 1970. Geographer Michael served as a professor in the Department of Geography-Geology between September 1970 and August 2015. From 1978 to 1988, he chaired the Department. Patricia managed the University Registration Office from 1971 until 1978. Michael developed and implemented the Geography Internship Program in 1985 that majors in Geography complete prior to graduation to this day. He also oversaw the publishing of the first 40 volumes of our Department yearbook, Glacial Deposits. This award is a testament to the Subletts' continued commitment to the success of Geography students and the program.

Thomas Eimermann Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2002 by Thomas and Kathleen Eimermann. The scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in politics and government with a demonstrated commitment to and record of success in mock trial competition. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Thomas Eimermann Scholarship was established in 2002 by Thomas and Kathleen Eimermann. The scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in politics and government with a demonstrated commitment to and record of success in mock trial competition.

Undergraduate Chemistry Student Research Fund

The Undergraduate Chemistry Student Research Fund provides financial support for undergraduate students who are accepted for enrollment or enrolled in good standing at Illinois State and actively pursuing research activities under the supervision of a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry during the summer. Funds may be used to purchase materials and supplies needed to undertake and complete research projects, support summer stipends, or to support students in disseminating the results of their research at professional conferences or professional publications.

Carl Hulse Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Carl Hulse Endowed Scholarship provides support for a student in the School of Communication who is also working on the editorial staff or as a reporter for the Vidette. Funds may be used for tuition and other related educational expenses such as fees and text books.

Gerontology Scholarship

This fund was established by the Sewing Circle of the Americana Health Care Center of Normal to recognize a student interested in gerontology. Student must be full-time with sophomore or junior standing, have completed six credit hours of study in gerontology course work or have completed three credit hours of study in gerontology and demonstrate work experience within a gerontological setting (may be enrolled for three credit hours at time of application), have a 3.0 grade point average, complete an application form, submit a statement discussing their understanding of the role and potential of older people in society and their personal interest in gerontology, and submit two letters of recommendation"one from a faculty member or administrator at ISU and one from a community setting or agency where the student has been involved in working with older persons. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. This fund was established by the Sewing Circle of the Americana Health Care Center of Normal to recognize a student interested in gerontology. Student must be full-time with sophomore or junior standing, have completed six credit hours of study in gerontology course work or have completed three credit hours of study in gerontology and demonstrate work experience within a gerontological setting (may be enrolled for three credit hours at time of application), have a 3.0 grade point average, complete an application form, submit a statement discussing their understanding of the role and potential of older people in society and their personal interest in gerontology, and submit two letters of recommendation--one from a faculty member or administrator at ISU and one from a community setting or agency where the student has been involved in working with older persons.

Physics Student Excellence Fund

The Physics Student Excellence Fund (previously Women in Physics Scholarship) provides financial support in the form of scholarships, professional development, or research funds for students majoring in Physics.

Promoting Equality in the Sciences Scholarship

The Promoting Equality in the Sciences Scholarship was established in 2020 by Joseph and Shannon Fluder to support and promote an individual with a commitment to diversity and inclusion at Illinois State University. The scholarship will assist a student pursuing a major in one of the following Departments: Geography, Geology and the Environment; Sociology and Anthropology; Social Work; Politics and Government; or Psychology. Candidates must prepare a personal statement which demonstrates how their life experiences have fostered an understanding of and commitment to addressing issues of diversity and inclusion in the following communities: Black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC), or LGBTQ+. Candidate will be chosen by a committee comprised of, at a minimum, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Director of the Multicultural Center at Illinois State University.

Shears Conservation Biology Endowment

The Shears Conservation Biology Endowment was established to provide financial assistance to those students who are studying in the field of conservation biology.

Walter S. G. Kohn Scholarship

The Walter S. G. Kohn Scholarship was established in 1981 in honor of Dr. Walter Kohn. To support a student who is studying Political Science at Illinois State University.

Hibbert Roberts Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1991 by family and friends in memory of Hibbert Roberts. The scholarship is awarded to a junior level student majoring in political science. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Hibbert Roberts Scholarship was established in 1991 by family and friends in memory of Hibbert Roberts. The scholarship is awarded to a junior level student majoring in political science.

Thomas D. Wilson Award

This endowment was established in 1996 by Thomas Wilson. Tom started teaching political science at Illinois State University in 1961 and retired in 1992. During the 1960's he was active in starting anti-poverty projects in the community. From 1970-72 he was co-chair with Elwood Egelston of the Academic Senate committee on community and campus programs. Tom and his wife, Kay, have two sons. The spirit of the award is to recognize exceptional performance and/or to create opportunities for students to take internships in areas outside of the Bloomington-Normal community. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Thomas D. Wilson Award was established in 1996 by Thomas Wilson. Tom started teaching political science at Illinois State University in 1961 and retired in 1992. During the 1960's he was active in starting anti-poverty projects in the community. From 1970-72 he was co-chair with Elwood Egelston of the Academic Senate committee on community and campus programs. Tom and his wife, Kay, have two sons. The spirit of the award is to recognize exceptional performance and/or to create opportunities for students to take internships in areas outside of the Bloomington-Normal community.

Sharon Tarvin Scholarship in Mathematics

The Sharon Tarvin Scholarship in Mathematics provides financial assistance to students majoring in mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, or geography/geology. Applicant must provide a short essay (max. 300 words) describing the importance and value of diversity, including women, in the field of mathematics.

James B. Sedgwick Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry

This fund was established in 2007 by Jim and Trilby (Teters) Sedgwick, in memory of one of their children, J. Ben Sedgwick '81, M.S. '84. He was active in church and Boy Scouts, earning the Chevalier Degree, as had his brother and father. Ben earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Georgia Tech, awarded posthumously since he became ill and died before graduation ceremonies. Trilby '53 worked in human resources at Illinois State. Jim retired from New York Life Insurance Company and was the first full-time general manager for the student newspaper, the Vidette. Jim and Trilby's other children also graduated from Illinois State: Jeffry '94, Catherine '91 and '98, and Amy '93. This fund was established in 2007 by Jim and Trilby (Teters) Sedgwick, in memory of one of their children, J. Ben Sedgwick '81, M.S. '84. He was active in church and Boy Scouts, earning the Chevalier Degree, as had his brother and father. Ben earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Georgia Tech, awarded posthumously since he became ill and died before graduation ceremonies. Trilby '53 worked in human resources at Illinois State. Jim retired from New York Life Insurance Company and was the first full-time general manager for the student newspaper, the Vidette. Jim and Trilby's other children also graduated from Illinois State: Jeffry '94, Catherine '91 and '98, and Amy '93.

Louis E. Miglio Geography Education Scholarship

The Louis E. Miglio Geography Education Scholarship fund was established by Louis E. Miglio. He maintained a close relationship with Illinois State University and truly felt these endowed funds were a way to make a small payment for the good education he received at Illinois State. Miglio served in the Navy, graduated from Illinois State in 1949, and was awarded a Fulbright Teacher Exchangeship with England. His love of history was expanded there through seeing historical sites that made history come alive. Miglio taught in Pekin for three years and earned his master's degree. He then taught in Decatur from 1952 through 1982. He always told his students, "No matter what occupation or career you choose, be the best you can be and enjoy it!" Each candidate for this fund must be admitted as a student at Illinois State University with a declared major of geography education and demonstrate a financial need.

William Morgan Poetry Award

This endowment was established in 2003 by William Morgan. The award is normally given annually to an undergraduate English major who demonstrates excellence in both the writing of original poetry and in the scholarly and critical study of poetry. The award is also normally given annually to a master's or Ph.D. candidate in English who demonstrates excellence in both the writing of original poetry and in the scholarly and critical study of poetry (including poetry pedagogy). If, in a given year, there is no clearly deserving application at either the undergraduate or graduate level, no award will be given. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The William Morgan Poetry Award was established in 2003 by William Morgan. The award is normally given annually to an undergraduate English major who demonstrates excellence in both the writing of original poetry and in the scholarly and critical study of poetry. The award is also normally given annually to a master's or Ph.D. candidate in English who demonstrates excellence in both the writing of original poetry and in the scholarly and critical study of poetry (including poetry pedagogy). If, in a given year, there is no clearly deserving application at either the undergraduate or graduate level, no award will be given.

John Freed Undergraduate Research Fund

The John Freed Undergraduate Research Fund supports undergraduate student research in the Department of History, such as but not limited to the following: conference attendance, travel expenses for archival research, or costs associated with procuring materials. Awards or disbursement is to be determined by the Department chair. A Department Faculty Status Committee (DFSC) summary report of fund expenses will be prepared by the Department Chair and shared with the Donor once per academic year.

Edwards Medal Speech Contest

This endowment was established by the descendants of Richard Edwards, a former president of Illinois State University, to encourage academic excellence and participation in the Forensic Union at the University. Awards are intended as special recognition for particular participants in the Forensics Union. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Edwards Medal Speech Contest endowment was established by the descendants of Richard Edwards, a former president of Illinois State University, to encourage academic excellence and participation in the Forensic Union at the University. Awards are intended as special recognition for particular participants in the Forensics Union.

Latin American-Latino/Latina Studies Fund

The Latin American-Latino/Latina Studies Fund supports the activities, programs and operations, including scholarships associated with the Latin American-Latino/Latina Studies program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Robert Bradley Scholarship Endowment Fund

This scholarship was established in 2012 by Barbara Figari, one of Professor Bradley's grateful students, at the time of Bradley's retirement from Illinois State University after 30 years of distinguished service to his students, the Department of Politics and Government, the University, and the community. During his career he served as teacher, pre-law advisor, faculty advisor to the Law Club, author, committee member, editor, and public speaker. He became a regular as a political commentator on local radio and served as the co-moderator of the 15th Congressional debate, which was televised on C-SPAN. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in the pre-law program at Illinois State University.

Dr. David W. Borst, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

David W. Borst was a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University from 1985-2005. He was well known for his research on arthropod endocrinology, particularly insects and crustaceans. This fund was established to provide scholarships for undergraduate research students. Dr. Borst's commitment to mentoring undergraduates in research is memorialized in this scholarship.

Scott Elliott Endowment in Economics

In June 2006 Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $250,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment benefitting the Department of Economics, Philosophy, and Sociology and Anthropology. The principal and expendable balances in this endowment were divided equally among three separate endowments. The purpose of each fund is to support the educational mission of the named department. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University endowment Investment Pool. In December 2007 Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $100,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment in Economics. The fund supports the highest priorities in the Department of Economics as determined by the department chair. It is permissible to accumulate the expendable allocation over several years for the purpose of funding expensive priorities that cannot be funded through the annual general revenue funds.

Pre-Law Endowed Program Fund

In 1998, several alumni attorneys formed the Illinois State University Attorneys Advisory Board (AAB), raising funds to support the Mock Trial Program; Pre-Law Awards Banquet; AAB operating expenses; and general expenses associated with the University's Pre-Law Program. Recognizing the importance of providing a more reliable source of income to support the Pre-Law Program, AAB decided to establish The Pre-Law Endowed Program Fund.

Physics Alumni Scholarship

This endowment was established with support of alumni and friends of the Department of Physics to provide scholarship support to physics majors. Competition is open to all students who have been conditionally admitted to Illinois State University as physics majors. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established with support of alumni and friends of the Department of Physics to provide scholarship support to physics majors. Competition is open to all students who have been conditionally admitted to Illinois State University as physics majors.

Alice Ebel Scholarship

Alice Ebel was a professor of politics and government at Illinois State University. Funds provided through her estate were designated to support a scholarship benefiting female students majoring in political science. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Dr. Alice L. Ebel was a professor of politics and government at Illinois State University. The Alice L. Ebel Scholarship was started in April 1969 by Dr. Ebel as she believed is was important to support students, particularly female students, majoring in political science. Following her passing in 1999, Dr. Ebel left her estate to ensure the scholarship would continue. The scholarship supports students majoring in political science.

Margaret Means Geography Endowment

Margaret Means stipends encourage and enable students in the Department of Geography-Geology at ISU to prepare fully for a career of teaching or service without compromise imposed by financial constraint. Financial awards are available for three sets of activities: 1. Practice teaching. 2. An internship involving community service, either without any remuneration or at less than minimum wage. 3. Off-campus travel and formal study in foreign lands or distant parts of the United States, as part of the Departmental Regional and Area Studies course. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Foundation Investment Pool. The Margaret Means Geography Endowment provides stipends that encourage and enable students in the Department of Geography-Geology at ISU to prepare fully for a career of teaching or service without compromise imposed by financial constraint. Financial awards are available for three sets of activities: 1. Practice teaching. 2. An internship involving community service, either without any remuneration or at less than minimum wage. 3. Off-campus travel and formal study in foreign lands or distant parts of the United States as part of the Departmental Regional and Area Studies course.

Psychological Service Center

The purpose of this fund is to support the work of the Psychology Services Center (PSC) in the Psychology Department at Illinois State University. The PSC serves hundreds of children, families, and college students each year with comprehensive behavioral health assessments and care. Your donation will help to keep these vital services at PSC affordable and easily accessible to everyone regardless of ability to pay.

Mathematics Alumni Education Award

The Mathematics Alumni Education Award was established in 2010 by Tami Martin and Roger Day to honor mathematics alumni who have made significant contributions to mathematics education during their careers. The funds are to be used to purchase a plaque or other memento or to cover expenses of a recognition event.

WZND Radio

The WZND Radio Fund provides support for the the activities, programs and operations of the station. WZND is Illinois State University's student run radio station..

Insect Biology Research Program

This fund was established by the faculty of the School of Biological Sciences to assist in funding the Insect Research Program. The funds may be used to support all costs related to research/publications/scientific meetings, and student training. Costs may include, food to feed the insect colonies, lights, paper, electric timers for insect maintenance, page charges, phone, photocopy, express mailing related to the research program, salary for lab assistants and registration and travel costs for students who are attending scientific meetings to present their research results.

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Excellence Awards

This endowment was established in 2006 by the College of Arts and Sciences as a means of financing awards for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service among faculty and staff in the College of Arts and Sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Excellence Awards fund was established in 2006 to support awards for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service among faculty and staff in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Professor Kenneth E. Jesse Endowment Fund

*** Needs Purpose. This scholarship was established by Kenneth and Sandra Jesse. Ken taught in the Physics Department [from 1967 -1994] and saw the department and the University grow in size and stature, with national and international recognition. He guided the experimental work of two students who earned master's degrees, coauthored, with physics professor Glen Greenseth, the department's lab manual, and wrote three study guides to accompany general physics textbooks and a two- volume, calculus-based text titled, "University Physics." The purpose of this fund is to support student research or other significant projects as guided by faculty. It may be used to obtain hardware items. His hope is that this endowment will help to continue the Physics Department and University's growth, especially in the area of student research projects.

Obsidian: Literature and Arts in the African Diaspora Fund

The Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora Fund was established in 2019 to provide financial support associated with operating and promoting the Publishing Platform. Funds may also be used to support students' professional development and to encourage student involvement in the Publishing Platform's editorial and production work. The fund supports and ensures Obsidian's ongoing engagement with the global community of African and African Diaspora writers, artists, and scholars.

Grabill-Homan Peace Prize

This endowment was established in 2001 by family, friends, and colleagues in honor of Professors Joseph Grabill and Gerlof Homan. This scholarship is awarded to a student with a minimum of 30 hours of college credit, a peace and conflict resolution minor who has demonstrated involvement with campus and community peacemaking activities. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 2001 by family, friends, and colleagues in honor of Professors Joseph Grabill and Gerlof Homan. Funds may be used to support peace education activities and to pay for a reception hosted annually for the recipient of the Community Peace Prize.

Chemistry Research Fund

The Chemistry Research Fund was established in 2016 following a transfer of $21,577.43 representing funds remaining from a gift initially received and processed through Grants Accounting. The initial gift from Newman Industry Co. was to support Dr. Jun-Hyun's research. Newman Industry Co. is no longer in business. The transfer of funds to the ISU Foundation was to allow for additional research coordinated by the Chemistry Department at Illinois State.

Friends of WGLT

WGLT public radio is licensed to Illinois State University and is part of Illinois State University School of Communication. The Friends of WGLT Fund provides support for the activities, programs and operations of the station.

Biology Education Fund

The Biology Education Fund supports the biology teacher education program.

James V. Koch - Economics Advisory Board Faculty Development Fund

*** Need Purpose Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. James V. Koch served as the chair of the Department of Economics at Illinois State University from 1972 to 1978. He was instrumental in the establishment of the department's advisory board. This fund was established to recognize his efforts on behalf of the department. Its purpose is to support quality teaching, research, and service activities of tenured or tenure-track faculty members of the Department of Economics.

English Department General Fund

The English Department General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department.

Additionally Supports: Diversity and Equity, Excellence in TESOL Award, Glenn Grever Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Masters Stu, Grammie Scholarship, Publications Unit Publishing Award, Taimi Ranta Award for Outstanding Teaching by a PhD Student

English Graduate Scholarship in Teaching

The English Graduate Scholarship in Teaching provides financial support for students in the English Graduate program.

World Wide Campus Student Opportunity Endowment

The World Wide Campus Student Opportunity Endowment provides financial assistance for students, undergraduate and graduate, to study abroad; accept internship opportunities or research opportunities; or attend conferences related to their field of student in order to expand their knowledge and experiences in a global world.

Scott Elliott Endowment in Philosophy

In June 2006 Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $250,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment benefitting the Departments of Economics, Philosophy, and Sociology and Anthropology. The principal and expendable balances in this endowment were divided equally among three separate endowments. The purpose of each fund is to support the educational mission of the named department. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. In June 2006 Scott M. Elliott made a gift of $250,000 to create the Scott Elliott Endowment benefitting the Departments of Economics, Philosophy, and Sociology and Anthropology. The principal and expendable balances in this endowment were divided equally among three separate endowments. The purpose of each fund is to support the educational mission of the named department.

Redbird Relief Fund

The Redbird Relief Fund was established by Dr. David DeMarini in order to provide financial assistance to students experiencing temporary financial hardship or need.

Economics Department General Fund

The Economics Fund supports the general operating needs of the Economics Department at Illinois State University. The Department of Economics at Illinois State University has a longstanding reputation for excellence in research, education and community service. The Economics Department General Fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, of the department. The Department of Economics at Illinois State University has a longstanding reputation for excellence in research, education and community service.

Additionally Supports: Scott M. Elliot Graduate Scholarship

Autism Program Fund

The Autism Program Fund helps support the work of the Autism programs developed in the Psychological Services Center in the Psychology Department of Illinois State University.

Francis R. and Helen T. Brown Math Scholarship

This endowment was created in 1995 by Francis and Helen Brown. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the teacher certification sequence of the mathematics major in the Department of Mathematics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Francis R. and Helen T. Brown Math Scholarship was established in 1995 by Francis and Helen Brown. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the teacher certification sequence of the mathematics major in the Department of Mathematics.

Hope for Tomorrow Scholarship Fund

The Hope for Tomorrow Scholarship Fund was established by Gerald and Jo Deen Schmidt to help students studying their Master's in Speech-Language Pathology. They feel passionate about the Speech and Hearing Clinic at ISU as they have used the services for Gerald after he suffered a medical condition that the clinic was able to help him with his recovery.

Eymann School of Communication Scholarship

The Eymann School of Communication Scholarship provides financial assistance for students who have worked or interned at a public broadcast station or any broadcast station. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Forensics - Speech and Debate

The Forensics - Speech and Debate fund provides support for the activities, programs, and operations the program.

ISU Chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is an RSO at Illinois State University that allows students from all majors to deepen their knowledge of, and engagement with, the public relations industry. Our mission is to help our members by broadening their professional network and helping launch their careers after graduation.

Geography Excellence Fund

The Geography Excellence Fund supports the activities, programs, students and faculty in the Geography Program, GEOMAP, and the Illinois Geographic Alliance at Illinois State University. Gifts help enhance the quality of the Geography Program and ensure that its teaching and research facilities, scientific instrumentation, and laboratories, remain up to date.

Richard L. Hunter Memorial Scholarship

The Richard L. Hunter Memorial Fund was created in 2007 by dear family, friends, and staff members of the Daily Vidette. This fund pays tribute to the humble, dedicated man who served as systems manager for the newspaper for nearly 11 years until his death in a boating accident. The scholarship will honor a Daily Vidette student who exemplifies those attributes. Each candidate must be: A. Enrolled in good standing at ISU. B. Demonstrated strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. C. Worked as a student staff member at the Daily Vidette for one calendar year. D. Exhibited the characteristics that were typical of Richard Hunter, including a humble spirit, a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, a love for his/her work and efforts toward fostering The Vidette family atmosphere. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. The Richard L. Hunter Memorial Fund was created in 2007 by dear family, friends, and staff members of the Daily Vidette. This fund pays tribute to the humble, dedicated man who served as systems manager for the newspaper for nearly 11 years until his death in a boating accident. The scholarship will honor a Daily Vidette student who exemplifies those attributes. Each candidate must be: A. Enrolled in good standing at ISU. B. Demonstrated strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. C. Worked as a student staff member at the Daily Vidette for one calendar year. D. Exhibited the characteristics that were typical of Richard Hunter, including a humble spirit, a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, a love for his/her work and efforts toward fostering The Vidette family atmosphere.

Darling Biochemistry-Molecular Biology

The Wildlife Conservation Club Fund provides support for the programs and operations of the Wildlife Conservation Club Registered Student Organization at Illinois State University. Under the direction of the School of Biological Sciences, the club raises awareness of a variety of issues, such as endangered species, wildlife trafficking, and the pet trade. The group sponsors a variety of volunteer and fundraising opportunities to support wildlife parks, rehabilitation centers, animal shelters, and more.

Cindy Ross-Ringer Endowed Scholarship

The Cindy Ross Ringer Scholarship was established by Cindy Ross-Ringer in order to provide financial assistance to students who are planning on using their English degree to pursue careers outside of teaching.

Deon Johnson Scholarship

The Deon Johnson Scholarship was established in 2020 to provide financial assistance for students enrolled in a major within the College of Arts and Sciences. Student must be a member of one of the following organizations: Black Student Union, Association of Latin American Students, or Multicultural Greek Council. Preference given to students who are from a single parent/guardian household and/or a student majoring in social work.

Antonini Summer Research Fund

The Antonini Summer Research Fund was established in 2020 by Dr. Jerry Antonini. The fund supports students majoring in Chemistry at Illinois State University who will be conducting research during the summer in the Department of Chemistry. Applicants must have successfully complete two semesters of Organic Chemistry lecture and lab and be enrolled as a full-time student for the upcoming semester. Preference given to students conducting research with potential medical application.

Dr. Robert D. Young Award

The Dr. Robert D. Young Award was established by Dr. Robert D. Young and BJ Young in 2024 in order to support undergraduate students in the Department of Physics. This scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen and is renewable for an additional year provided students are enrolled in the Department of Physics.

Dr. Carol T. Benson Endowed Secondary Mathematics Teaching Scholarship

The Dr. Carol T. Benson Endowed Secondary Mathematics Teaching Scholarship was established by Dr. Carol T. Benson in order to provide financial support to students majoring in Mathematics- Teacher Education

Hugh Richard Williams Memorial Book Award

The Hugh Richard Williams Book Award was established through his estate gift for the Department of Politics and Government.

Bird Study and Student Fellowship Fund

The Bird Study and Student Fellowship Fund was established by the faculty of the School of Biological Sciences to benefit students who are conducting research on birds. The fund provides programmatic support, mainly in summer, for Illinois State University undergraduate and graduate students who are conducting ecological and behavioral research on free-living birds. This support is for, but not limited to, supplies, travel costs, student stipend, and equipment.

Pre-Law Program Fund

The Pre-Law Program Fund was established in 1988 to support the activities, programs, and operations, including named commemorative scholarships and awards, in the department of Politics and Government in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Additionally Supports: Carl Kasten Award, Mock Trial Leadership Award, Mock Trial Outstanding Attorney Award, Mock Trial Witness, Tom Eimermann Outstanding Pre-Law Student

Tom Hayden Scholarship in Mathematics Teacher Education

The Tom Hayden Scholarship in Mathematics Teacher Education was established in 2023 to provide financial support to Mathematics students planning to become teachers.

Four Strong Women: The Campbell/Houston/Howard/Zosky Scholarship in Social Work

The Four Strong Women Advocates for Social Work Scholarship was established by Dave Bentlin in March 2024 to honor Mary Campbell, Doris Houston, Jeanne Howard, and Diane Zosky for their extraordinary contributions at Illinois State University and in the community.

R.I.S.E. (Redbird Internship Success Endowment)

R.I.S.E. (Redbird Internship Success Endowment) was established by Jan Stewart in order to allow CAS Redbirds to pursue meaningful internship opportunities, regardless of location or pay, in order for students to enhance their career preparation.

Donald F. McHenry Visiting Professor of Diplomacy and International Affairs

This endowed chair in multilateral diplomacy was established by an anonymous donor. The purpose of the fund is to expand the scope of students' understanding of diplomacy and international relations. The endowed chair should be a visiting, full-time faculty appointment of two to three years and should teach policy oriented courses, give guest lectures in other ISU courses, participate in external activities to support the national and international reputation of the chair, and present one public lecture at Illinois State University each year. All earnings on the fund should be reinvested until the proceeds from the donor's estate arrive. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Donald F. McHenry Visiting Professor of Diplomacy and International Affairs was established to expand the scope of students' understanding of diplomacy and international relations. The endowed chair should be a visiting, full-time faculty appointment of two to three years and should teach policy oriented courses, give guest lectures in other ISU courses, participate in external activities to support the national and international reputation of the chair, and present one public lecture at Illinois State University each year. All earnings on the fund should be reinvested until the proceeds from the donor's estate arrive.

Robert and Frieda Augustine Endowed Scholarship

The Robert and Frieda Augustine Endowed Scholarship was established in 2017 by Robert and Kathryn Augustine. The scholarship was created to honor Robert and Freida Augustine and in recognition of their support of the students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The scholarship provides support for students enrolled in any major within the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Randy Salerno Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Each candidate for a Randy Salerno Endowed Memorial Scholarship must be enrolled in good standing at ISU, be a full-time undergraduate student with a minimum of 30 earned credit hours with a declared major of broadcast journalism within the School of Communication at ISU, demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid at Illinois State University based on the information provided by the student on the FAFSA form, complete and submit a Randy Salerno Endowed Memorial Scholarship application, submit a one-page written statement demonstrating career goals and reflecting his/her interest in a career in broadcast journalism, submit two letters of recommendation from faculty or employers, and reapply each year to be eligible for scholarship renewal. Funds are to be used for educational expenses. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. Each candidate for a Randy Salerno Endowed Memorial Scholarship must be enrolled in good standing at ISU, be a full-time undergraduate student with a minimum of 30 earned credit hours with a declared major of broadcast journalism within the School of Communication at ISU, demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid at Illinois State University based on the information provided by the student on the FAFSA form, complete and submit a Randy Salerno Endowed Memorial Scholarship application, submit a one-page written statement demonstrating career goals and reflecting his/her interest in a career in broadcast journalism, submit two letters of recommendation from faculty or employers, and reapply each year to be eligible for scholarship renewal. Funds are to be used for educational expenses.

Roger and Joyce Eads Endowed Scholarship

The Roger and Joyce Eads Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 to support students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Both Roger and Joyce were both recipients of financial assistance and they wish to help current ISU students obtain their degrees leading to increased career opportunities and satisfying social and personal lives.

Glenn Grever English Education Scholarship Fund

This endowment was established in 1996 in memory of Professor Glenn Grever. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time senior, majoring in English education and student teaching during the semester that the scholarship is available. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Glenn Grever English Education Scholarship Endowment was established in 1996 in memory of Professor Glenn Grever. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time senior, majoring in English Education and student teaching during the semester that the scholarship is available.

Class of 1939 Ruth Henline Scholarship

This fund was established in 1984 by a committee of 1939 graduates to honor the Class of 1939 and Ruth Henline. Henline was a professor at Illinois State Normal University from 1926 until her retirement in 1970. The scholarship is available to students, junior or senior level, majoring in English Education and intending to teach. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Class of 1939 Dr. Ruth Henline Scholarship was established in 1984 by a committee of 1939 graduates to honor the Class of 1939 and Ruth Henline. Henline was a professor at Illinois State Normal University from 1926 until her retirement in 1970. The scholarship is available to students, junior or senior level, majoring in English Education and intending to teach.

William Howard Scholarship in History

The William E. Howard Scholarship is in honor of Bill Howard, ISNU classes of 1947 (BSE) and 1953 (MSE) who loved & taught history for over 30 years. This fund rewards student scholarship in history, with preference to excellent student research or writing related to World War II. Each candidate for the William E. Howard Scholarship must be: A. Enrolled in good standing at ISU. B. An undergraduate with at least 30 credit hours with a declared major or minor in History or a graduate student pursuing a Master's in History. C. While an ISU student, produced a paper or papers deemed of high quality by the history faculty on a some aspect of: 1. World War II (including the home front) or 2. American history. The William E. Howard Scholarship is in honor of Bill Howard, ISNU classes of 1947 (BSE) and 1953 (MSE) who loved and taught history for over 30 years. This fund rewards student scholarship in History, with preference to excellent student research or writing related to World War II. Each candidate for the William E. Howard Scholarship must be: A. Enrolled in good standing at ISU. B. An undergraduate with at least 30 credit hours with a declared major or minor in History or a graduate student pursuing a Master's in History. C. While an ISU student, produced a paper or papers deemed of high quality by the history faculty on a some aspect of: 1. World War II (including the home front) or 2. American history.

Ed & Carol Lind Scholarship for International Experience

The Ed & Carol Lind Scholarship for International Experience was established by Ed & Carol Lind who came to ISU from Tremont and Bradley, Illinois, respectively. They met while both were living in Watterson Towers and, together, successfully navigated their first journey through the halls of Illinois State - Ed as a double major in History and Industrial Technology '76, and Carol as a comprehensive major in Art Education '75. After graduation, Ed earned his engineering license from the State of Wisconsin and began his lifelong career as an HVAC engineer. Carol was a stay-at-home mom and wife, doing volunteer work with groups ranging from the Jaycees to The American Cancer Society. They lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan while their daughter attended high school, before returning to central Illinois and ISU to continue their education - Ed earning his MS in History '07, and Carol achieving an MS '02 and PhD '07 in English Studies. She went on to serve as an adjunct faculty member in the ISU English Department until both retired in 2016. Since retiring, they have traveled extensively, visiting well over 25 countries. "This award is our way of leaving a lasting legacy to an institution that has given us so much over the years and to its students who may not have had the means to see the world and its astounding beauty and diversity as we have been fortunate enough to do." With this money, they hope to help the "Lind Scholar" stretch their Redbird wings and truly become a citizen of the world.

Dianne Brewer Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics

The Dianne Brewer Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics fund was established in 2013 to honor Dianne Kay Brewer and her many years of service to the Mathematics Department. Dianne had five siblings and grew up on a farm. After graduating from Wenona High School, she worked her way through college, majoring in elementary education. She was the only one of her immediate family to attend college. After graduating from Illinois State in 1975, she began work there in 1977, initially in placement services. She joined the Mathematics Department in March of 1979 and, in three short years, became the lead staff person there. Dianne continued in that role until her death on January 16, 2013. She is remembered for the assistance she provided to a large number of students enrolling in mathematics classes, both majors and non-majors. She also performed many other tasks effectively and efficiently, helping the department function smoothly.

Lawrence W. McBride Award

This endowment was established in 2004 by family, friends, colleagues, and former students in memory of Lawrence W. McBride. The scholarship honors the best graduate each fall and spring semester of the history/social science education program. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Lawrence W. McBride Award was established in 2004 by family, friends, colleagues, and former students in memory of Lawrence W. McBride. The scholarship honors the best graduate each fall and spring semester of the History/Social Science Education Program.

Cheung, Brown, Phi Sigma Award for Student Publications

The Cheung, Brown, Phi Sigma Award for Student Publications was established in 2009 by H. Tak Cheung to acknowledge the contributions of undergraduate and graduate students to the scientific literature through their publications at Illinois State University. In 2010 Lauren Brown and Phi Sigma matched Cheung's initial gift to bring the endowment to full funding. Cheung joined Illinois State in 1979 as an assistant professor of Microbiology. After rising to the rank of full professor, he became department Chair in 1997, and Executive Director when it became the School of Biological Sciences in 2008. Candidates must be in good standing at Illinois State, be first author on a publication prior to or within 12 months after graduation, and focus on research for their thesis or dissertation. One or two awards will be made annually. The agreement serves to document the criteria of an existing fund. The Cheung, Brown, Phi Sigma Award for Student Publications was established in 2009 by H. Tak Cheung to acknowledge the contributions of undergraduate and graduate students to the scientific literature through their publications at Illinois State University. In 2010 Lauren Brown and Phi Sigma matched Cheung's initial gift to bring the endowment to full funding. Cheung joined Illinois State in 1979 as an assistant professor of Microbiology. After rising to the rank of full professor, he became department Chair in 1997, and Executive Director when it became the School of Biological Sciences in 2008. Candidates must be in good standing at Illinois State, be first author on a publication prior to or within 12 months after graduation, and focus on research for their thesis or dissertation. One or two awards will be made annually.

Iola Stoops Juarez Journalism Scholarship

Iola Stoops Juarez (1920-2006) was born and raised on a farm in Cooksville just 10 miles from Illinois State University. She entered the University as a freshman in 1938, the first in her family to attend college. She was an excellent writer and was a member of the Vidette (college newspaper) and the Index (yearbook) staffs at Illinois State Normal University. The Iola Stoops Juarez Endowed Journalism Scholarship was created to assist in the education of an undergraduate journalism student who works at the Vidette. This student will be selected based on financial need and academic merit.

Michael F. Canney Endowed Scholarship in Science

This endowment was established in 2004 by Michael F. Canney, who earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Illinois State University in 1984. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in physics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Michael F. Canney Endowed Scholarship in Science was established in 2004 by Michael F. Canney, who earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Illinois State University in 1984. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in physics.

Bohn Nielsen Healthcare Preprofessional Scholarship

This endowment was established by Drs. Kathryn Bohn and Thomas Nielsen, in 2001. The scholarship is awarded to a full time junior or senior student participating in the Healthcare Preprofessional program. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Bohn Nielsen Healthcare Preprofessional Scholarship was established by Drs. Kathryn Bohn and Thomas Nielsen, in 2001. The scholarship is awarded to a full time junior or senior student participating in the Healthcare Preprofessional program.

Dr. Dorothy E. Lee Endowment

This endowment was established in 2003 by Dorothy Lee. The scholarship is awarded to a full- or part-time female undergraduate student, 25 years or older, who is enrolled in a degree program or has been admitted as an adult learner with the intention of enrolling in a degree program. A preference is given to a student from Montgomery County, south-central Illinois or a non-metropolitan area. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Dorothy E. Lee Scholarship was established in 2004 by Dorothy Lee. The scholarship supports a full-time or part-time nontraditional undergraduate student from Montgomery County, south-central Illinois, or a non-metropolitan area. Applicants must submit a personal statement addressing an unanticipated life event that disrupted their education and their desire to return to ISU to pursue and complete their chosen degree. Dr. Dorothy E. Lee attended Eureka College following her high school graduation. After one quarter, she dropped out and returned to her hometown, Litchfield, IL. Ten years later, she returned to college at Illinois State Normal University (ISNU). Dr. Lee's decision to attend Illinois State Normal University as a nontraditional student changed her life. She established the scholarship to help other nontraditional students pursue their degree.

Additionally Supports: Dr. Dorothy E. Lee Grant, Dr. Dorothy E. Lee Scholarship

Petrossian Tarrant Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2001 by Wallace Anderson in honor of two influential Illinois State University foreign language faculty members, George Petrossian and Patrick Tarrant. The scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in a French language study abroad program endorsed by the French faculty. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Petrossian Tarrant Scholarship was established in 2001 by Wallace Anderson in honor of two influential Illinois State University foreign language faculty members, George Petrossian and Patrick Tarrant.

Mildred Pratt Student Assistance Fund

Mildred Pratt Student Assistance Fund was established by Professor Emeritus Mildred Pratt in 1993 to provide financial assistance to currently enrolled School of Social Work students experiencing temporary financial hardship or need. Awards are granted on a case-by-case basis pending the availability of funds.

Dr. Stanley Marzolf Endowment Fund

The Dr. Stanley Marzolf Endowment Fund was established by Dr. Joseph and Margaret "Peg" French in memory of Dr. Stanley Marzolf. Dr. Marzolf was Joe's advisor when he was an ISNU graduate student. Dr. Marzolf also served as Joe's mentor when he was a neophyte faculty member and was also his life-long professional role model. The Dr. Stanley Marzolf Endowment Fund supports a doctoral student in school psychology at Illinois State University.

John Kinneman Scholarship (Class of 40)

Established by the Class of 1940 to honor John A. Kinneman who was a faculty member from 1927 until 1963, and chair of the Department of Sociology for ten of those years. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This scholarship was established by the Class of 1940 to honor John A. Kinneman who was a faculty member from 1927 until 1963 and chair of the Department of Sociology for ten of those years. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in sociology who is at least at junior standing.

Greg and Mary Margaret Simpson Endowed Scholarship

The Greg and Mary Margaret Simpson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 to support an incoming freshman FTIC student majoring in a discipline within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Hendershott Love Scholarship

The Hendershott Love Scholarship was established in 2019 by Arles Hendershott Love and Joseph Love. The scholarship provides support for a TV-10 student in his or her junior or senior year.

Roger R. Ruddy Memorial Endowment

The Roger R. Ruddy Memorial Endowment was established in December 2017 by an anonymous donor. The endowment provides scholarships for students enrolled in good standing in Languages, Literatures and Cultures either as a Spanish language education major or in the Latin language sequence as a language education major. Funds may be used for direct educational expenses such as tuition and books. The Endowment may also support faculty in the department as determined by the Department Chair.

Vidette Alumni Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1987 by members of the Vidette Alumni Association to award to a deserving full-time student employed at the Vidette. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman, sophomore, or junior in good academic standing, considering both academic achievement and financial need, as well as level of involvement at the Vidette. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Vidette Alumni Scholarship was established in 1987 by members of the Vidette Alumni Association to award to a deserving full-time student employed at the Vidette. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman, sophomore, or junior in good academic standing, considering both academic achievement and financial need, as well as level of involvement at the Vidette.

Jennifer Grogg Fund for Biology Teacher Education

Award is to assist with student teacher expenses for those pursuing teaching degree for biology

John A. and Anne E. Dossey Fund for Biomathematics

This fund was established in 2010, with an initial gift from John A. and Anne E. Dossey and Mrs. Mary Dossey, to provide financial support to students enrolled in the M.S. Program in Biomathematics at Illinois State University. Emeritus Distinguished Professor John Dossey, M.S.'68, Ph.D.'71, and '96 was a faculty member in the department from 1967 to 1998. Anne E. Dossey earned her B.S. in 1967 in the College of Education. Support may include: merit-based scholarships, research fellowships, and expenses related to students who wish to attend meetings or present research work in bio-mathematics. Endowment assets are invested in the Illinois State University Foundation's long-term investment pool.

Harry and Jo Thiel "Red Line" Scholarship Fund

The Harry and Jo Thiel "Red Line" Scholarship was established in 2015 in honor of Harry, the Vidette GM from 1976-1996, and his wife Jo, who together guided countless Vidette staffers in journalism and life. The "Red Line" refers to the enduring and endearing red pen Harry used to provide journalistic tutelage to all Vidette staffers who served during his extremely influential ISU career. Harry's red pen taught many as much about reporting and writing as any other journalistic experience.

Kenneth A. and Mary Ann Shaw Teaching Fellowship

Kenneth "Buzz" Shaw earned his undergraduate degree from Illinois State University in 1961 and became an assistant to Presidents Bone and Braden. During his 40-year career as an educator and leader, he held the titles of professor, president, and chancellor. He holds eight honorary degrees, is a renowned author, advisor, and consultant, and is a board member for many prestigious organizations. Mary Ann has been a long-time community servant dedicated to education, children's issues, and service learning. She was instrumental in bringing children's hospitals to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and to Syracuse, New York. The purpose of this fund is to recognize teaching excellence and to improve the teaching and learning environment in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University. Each year two talented teachers will be awarded a minimum of $3,500 to be used for professional development.

Economics Endowment for Graduate Student Excellence Fund

This fund was established in 2011 by the chair of the Department of Economics through an estate gift from former graduate student Wei Wei Ray. The purpose of the fund is to support an annual award for graduate students. The family of Ms. Ray supports the use of her generous estate gift because she remembered her time at Illinois State fondly, saying that being on campus was the happiest time of her life.

Julia N. Visor Scholarship

The Julia N. Visor Scholarship is a monetary prize given each year for the best undergraduate essay on issues of race relations, colonialism and cultural diversity in any sub-field of English studies - literature, rhetoric, linguistics, creative writing, publishing, new media studies, technical writing, or education.

Dr. John Chizmar and Dr. Anthony Ostrosky Endowed Scholarship

The Dr. John Chizmar and Dr. Anthony Ostrosky Endowed Scholarship and award are established to honor the exemplary careers of John (Jack) Chizmar and Anthony (Tony) Ostrosky as professors in the Department of Economics at ISU. The scholarship will consist of one award to a current economics major and one to a faculty member who demonstrates scholarship in the teaching and learning of economics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment pool. Th Dr. John Chizmar and Dr. Anthony Ostrosky Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to honor the exemplary careers of John (Jack) Chizmar and Anthony (Tony) Ostrosky as professors in the department of economics at Illinois State University. The scholarship provides support for an undergraduate economics major with preference given to a student with financial need.

Wilson Family Student Assistance Fund

The Wilson Family Student Assistance Fund was established in 2020 to provide support for students in the College of Arts and Sciences experiencing temporary financial hardship or need. Awards are determined on a case-by-case basis based on the funding available.

Alferink Graduate Scholarship in School Psychology

The Alferink Graduate Scholarship in School Psychology was established in 2020 to provide financial assistance to a student enrolled in the doctoral program in School Psychology. Students must submit a short essay describing their dedication to the advancement of underrepresented groups through their work in the field.

Edward and Juliet Jelks Scholarship

The purpose of the fund is to establish a scholarship to commemorate the extensive contributions of Dr. Edward Jelks, founding leader of Illinois State's Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

Edwin Payne Memorial

This fund was established in 1975 by the mother of Edwin A. Payne. Edwin Payne was an associate professor of psychology at Illinois State University from 1952-1971. The scholarship is available to all undergraduate and graduate students at the University with preference given to students pursuing a degree in psychology. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Edwin Payne Memorial Endowment was established in 1975 by the mother of Edwin A. Payne. Edwin Payne was an associate professor of psychology at Illinois State University from 1952-1971. The scholarship is available to all undergraduate and graduate students at the University with preference given to students pursuing a degree in psychology.

Redbird 5 Scholarship

The Redbird 5 Scholarship was established by Mark Burker '85, MS '87, Jeff Charnogorsky '85, Bob Freitag '84 and Tom Pfeiff '83 and in November, 2006, Larry Apfelbaum ISU '83 BS. The friendship these five built as students at ISU has continued long past graduation. Each credits ISU with providing a basis for the success he as enjoyed. Through the Redbird 5 Scholarship, Mark, Jeff, Bob and Tom seek to give back to the University that has given them so much. More importantly, the Redbird 5 Scholarship allows these men the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a current ISU student by providing financial support to a student who might otherwise be unable to obtain an ISU education. The Redbird 5 Scholarship was established by Mark Bruker '85, MS '87, Jeff Charnogorsky '85, Bob Freitag '84 and Tom Pfeiff '83 and in November, 2006, Larry Apfelbaum ISU '83 BS. The friendship these men built as students at ISU has continued long past graduation. Each credits ISU with providing a basis for the success he has enjoyed. Through the Redbird 5 Scholarship, Mark, Jeff, Bob, Tom and Larry seek to give back to the University that has given them so much. More importantly, the Redbird 5 Scholarship allows these men the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a current ISU student by providing financial support to a student who might otherwise be unable to obtain an ISU education.

Dr. Fred Gletten Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences

The Dr. Fred Gletten Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences was established through an estate gift from Dr. Fred Gletten '71. Dr. Gletten's gift honors the foundation in science he received at Illinois State and will support the scholarly work of a distinguished biology faculty member. Gletten came to Illinois State in 1968 on a football scholarship. He majored in biology and initially aspired to become a high school biology teacher and football coach. After graduating with a degree in biological sciences, Gletten completed a master's degree in microbiology and a medical degree at Howard University. He later completed an internship, residency, and fellowship in gastroenterology at UCLA Wadsworth V.A. Hospital. After finishing comprehensive training, Gletten taught for more than 20 years as an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA. He also established a successful medical practice in Los Angeles alongside two other gastroenterologists.

Thomas E. Eimermann Professorship in Politics and Government

The Thomas E. Eimermann Professorship in Politics and Government was established in 2018 in honor of Thomas Eimermann to recognize high caliber ISU Faculty. The Fund supports the academic work, including professional development, research, and/or supplemental salary for a faculty member in the Department of Politics and Government who is appointed to the named professorship. Responsibilities for selection of the professorship recipient will be determined by the Chair of Politics and Government. The person named to the position will serve as funds remain available. Recipients may hold the position for a defined number of year(s) as determined by the Department Chair.

Dr. Martin Nickels Endowed Scholarship Fund for Field School

The Dr. Martin Nickels Endowed Scholarship was established by Wallace Anderson '83 in honor of Dr. Nickels, a former Illinois State University professor whose instruction had produced lifelong personal benefits for Anderson. Martin Nickels was a professor of anthropology at Illinois State University for more than 30 years. He was selected as the Outstanding Teacher at the University in 1991-1992 and 1996-1997. The purpose of the fund is to provide support to undergraduate students for field experience. The financial goal of the scholarship is to provide significant, potentially decision-altering support to qualified students who wish to spend time learning in a field school.

R. Douglas & Janice Luecke Irvine Scholarship in Sociology & Anthropology

The R. Douglas and Janice Luecke Irvine Scholarship in Sociology and Anthropology was established in 2016 by Doug and Janice Irvine to support students majoring in Sociology and Anthropology at Illinois State University. Janice and Doug met in the spring semester of their freshman year at Illinois State Normal University and married in the summer following their graduation from Illinois State University in 1967. Doug completed a comprehensive major in the Social Sciences and taught on the college level for several years, served in administration, and retired after serving as a college financial aid administrator for several Indiana schools. Janice majored in Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired and taught the Blind and Visually Impaired for the South Bend Community School Corporation for 26 years. Doug and Janice strongly believe in giving back to Illinois State and created the R. Douglas and Janice Luecke Irvine Scholarship to support students with financial need.

F. Russell Glasener-Economics Advisory Board Undergraduate Scholarship

*** Need Purpose Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. F. Russell Glasener taught economics at Illinois State Normal University for almost a quarter century, from 1935 to 1959. While on faculty he served as the first Secretary-Treasurer of the University Foundation and helped to organize the University Council, serving as its president for two years. As a volunteer leader in the community he served as councilman for the Town of Normal, McLean County board member, vice president of Citizens Savings and Loan, and lay leader in the Methodist church. As a tribute, Glasener Beach at Comlara Park was named in his honor. This scholarship was established in his memory and as a part of his legacy. Its purpose is to provide support to a worthy student who is majoring in economics.

Deborah D. Amdor Scholarship

The Deborah D. Amdor Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 by Deborah D. Amdor. The purpose of the award is to assist students interested in pursuing a degree in Economics.

Dr. Frederick and Carlene Roberts Memorial Internship Fund

The Dr. Frederick and Carlene Roberts Memorial Internship was established in 2020 by Charlotte M. Roberts in memory of her brother Dr. Frederick Roberts and his wife, Carlene Roberts. The scholarship supports students participating in an internship or civic engagement activity. Student must be a pursuing a major or minor in Politics and Government.

Omar Rilett Awards

This endowment was established by colleagues in honor of R. Omar Rilett. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate or exceptional undergraduate student enrolled in biology programs. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Omar Rilett Award was established by colleagues in honor of R. Omar Rilett. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate or exceptional undergraduate student enrolled in biology programs.

Donald Heinle Memorial Scholarship

The Donald Heinle Memorial Scholarship was established in 2020 by Lance Heinle in memory of his father. Don grew up on a farm in rural North Dakota and was proud of his German heritage. He was the first member of his family to graduate from college, receiving his degree in computer science from North Dakota State College of Science in 1965. His belief in a college education was instilled in his four kids, all of whom graduated from college. This included Lance Heinle, who earned two degrees in Chemistry from Illinois State University (B.S. '99, M.S. '01).

James and Deborah Riggs Scholarship in Physics

Provide an annual scholarship for a Physics major. Scholarship will be awarded as a one-time award.

The Duquenne Family Scholarship for Communication Students

After decades of learning, giving, and working at Illinois State, Stephanie Duquenne is proud to pay it forward to the next generation of communications professionals and thus has established The Duquenne Family Scholarship for Communication Students. In Stephanie's own words, the most important thing to her is that this scholarship is awarded to a student to alleviate a financial burden and allow them to concentrate more on school and being involved. For example, if this would allow them to work less at a part-time job and be able to participate in an RSO's Monday evening meetings, etc.

Mathematics Faculty Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

The Mathematics Faculty Scholarship for Undergraduate Research was established as an endowment in 2018 using gifts provided by Dr. Saad I. El-Zanati and Dr. John Dossey. The scholarship provides support for undergraduate majors involved in undergraduate research in mathematics while honoring past and present mathematics faculty in the Mathematics Department.

Dr. Janice G. Witherspoon Neuleib and Genevieve Witherspoon Perhach Endowed Fund

The Dr. Janice G. Witherspoon Neuleib and Genevieve Witherspoon Perhach Award was established by Janice upon her retirement from Illinois State University in 2010. Janice came to Illinois State as a graduate student in 1967 and taught full time while completing her Ph.D. She developed and directed the Writing Center, was instrumental in the combining of the Writing Center and Reading Studies Center into the Center for Learning Assistance, and founded the Illinois State Writing Project. Janice's older sister, Genevieve, was a 1953 graduate of Illinois State and was a math major and a Gamma Phi Circus trapeze star. Genevieve finished graduate school in California and taught there until her retirement. Awards from this endowment may be used to recognize excellence in teaching by graduate students in English or graduate student travel to present research, costs to publish research, and other costs.

Mayor Judy Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1986 by Judy Markowitz. The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior level student enrolled in the department of communication with a major in public relations. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Mayor Judy Scholarship was established in 1986 by Judy Markowitz in honor of her son Scott Harrison. In November 2015, the fund was renamed the Mayor Judy Scholarship by Mr. Harrison to honor his mother Judy Markowitz and her legacy as former mayor of the City of Bloomington. The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior level student enrolled in the Department of Communication with a major in public relations.

Vicki L. Kelley Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2002 in memory of Vicki L. Kelley, a 1978 graduate, by family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Department of Communication with preference given to students pursuing careers in broadcast journalism. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Vicki L. Kelley Scholarship was established in 2002 in memory of Vicki L. Kelley, a 1978 graduate, by family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Department of Communication with preference given to students pursuing careers in broadcast journalism.

Diane Zosky Access for Opportunity Scholarship

The Diane Zosky Access for Opportunity Scholarship Fund was established to assist students that are majoring in the College of Arts and Sciences as well as pursuing a minor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies or African American Studies.

Dorothy Bryan Schemske Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1998 by Dorothy Bryan Schemske, a 1941 graduate of Illinois State Normal University. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student working toward a career in teaching English, with a preference to a student with an interest in creative writing. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dorothy Bryan Schemske Scholarship was established in 1998 by Dorothy Bryan Schemske, a 1941 graduate of Illinois State Normal University. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student working toward a career in teaching English, with a preference to a student with an interest in creative writing.

Tom Kuster Creative Writing Award

This endowment was established in 1998 by Richard and Marilyn Kuster in memory of their son. The award is given to a full-time or part-time junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in a program within the English department. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Tom Kuster Creative Writing Award endowment was established in 1998 by Richard and Marilyn Kuster in memory of their son. The award is given to a full-time or part-time junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in a program within the English department.

Luellen Laurenti Scholarship in Women's Studies

This endowment was established in 2001 by the Women’s Studies program with the assistance of Joseph L. Laurenti in memory of Luellen Laurenti, a long time stalwart in the women’s movement in Illinois and lobbyist for women’s rights. The scholarship is awarded to a full- or part-time student who has declared or is in the process of declaring a minor in women’s studies. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 2001 by the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program with the assistance of Joseph L. Laurenti in memory of Luellen Laurenti, a long time stalwart in the women's movement in Illinois and a lobbyist for women's rights. The scholarship is awarded to a full- or part-time student who has declared or is in the process of declaring a minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Anna Keaton English Scholarship Fund

This endowment was established in 1993 through an estate gift of Anna Keaton. Keaton had a 30-year career at Illinois State Normal University (1937-1968). She was a professor of English and also served for some period as dean of students. Through a bequest, she directed that a scholarship fund be created to support upper class or graduate students majoring in English. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Anna Keaton English Scholarship was established in 1993 through an estate gift of Anna Keaton. Keaton had a 30-year career at Illinois State Normal University (1937-1968). She was a professor of English and also served for some period as dean of students. Through a bequest, she directed that a scholarship fund be created to support upper class or graduate students majoring in English.

Bonnie Litwiller Scholarship in Mathematics Education

Bonnie H. Litwiller earned both bachelor's (1959) and master's (1960) degrees in Mathematics Education from ISU and went on to earn a master's (1965) and Ed.D. (1968) from Indiana University School of Education. Her devotion and dedication to improving mathematics teaching is perpetuated through this endowed scholarship to benefit students pursuing an undergraduate degree in secondary mathematics education and/or advanced degree in mathematics education. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Bonnie H. Litwiller earned both bachelor's (1959) and master's (1960) degrees in Mathematics Education from ISU and went on to earn a master's (1965) and Ed.D. (1968) from Indiana University School of Education. Her devotion and dedication to improving mathematics teaching is perpetuated through this endowed scholarship to benefit students pursuing an undergraduate degree in Secondary Mathematics Education and/or advanced degree in Mathematics Education.

Ron Ulmer Endowed Scholarship In Economics

Ron Ulmer received a B.S. in secondary education in 1970 and a Masters degree in economics in 1975 from Illinois State University. He enjoyed careers in teaching, rate analysis, marketing, and entrepreneurship. When Ron was an instructor he appreciated the efforts of average students who had a passion for learning and a willingness to work hard. He could relate to the fighters and scrappers and "late bloomers" in life, having been one himself. The purpose of this fund is to provide students who have average grades and a passion for learning economics with the opportunity to receive a degree in economics.

Carl Heldt Scholarship

The intent of the Carl D. Heldt Scholarship, named for a 22-year member of the ISU faculty, is to enable natural sciences students of promise who are otherwise unable, to attend ISU free from the cost of tuition and fees. Each candidate must be admitted as an incoming full-time freshman or transfer student and enrolled in one of the natural sciences. The candidate must demonstrate financial need and willingness to supplement this scholarship by work while attending ISU, be a multi-talented Illinois high school graduate who can be expected to contribute to society in meaningful and exceptional ways, submit two letters of recommendation, and demonstrate strong academic achievement evidenced by an enrolling cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and continued academic success while at ISU. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. The Carl D. Heldt Scholarship, named for a 22-year member of the ISU faculty, supports natural sciences students of promise who are otherwise unable to attend ISU with the cost of tuition and fees. Each candidate must be admitted as an incoming full-time freshman or transfer student and enrolled in one of the natural sciences. The candidate must demonstrate financial need and willingness to supplement this scholarship by working while attending ISU and must be a multi-talented Illinois high school graduate who can be expected to contribute to society in meaningful and exceptional ways.

Orlyn Edge Scholarship Fund

This endowment was established in 2002 by family, friends, and colleagues in honor of Orlyn Edge. Each candidate for the Orlyn Edge Scholarship must be enrolled as a mathematics major in the actuarial sequence during their first semester and in good standing at ISU; demonstrate strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a high school grade point average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale, a composite ACT score of at least 27, and an ACT mathematics subscore of at least 30, or equivalent SAT scores; make a commitment to join the ISU Actuarial Club as part of Gamma Iota Sigma; and demonstrate a commitment to a professional actuarial career. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Orlyn Edge Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 by family, friends, and colleagues in honor of Orlyn Edge. Each candidate for the Orlyn Edge Scholarship must be enrolled as a mathematics major in the actuarial sequence during their first semester and in good standing at ISU; demonstrate strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a high school grade point average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale, a composite ACT score of at least 27, and an ACT mathematics subscore of at least 30, or equivalent SAT scores; make a commitment to join the ISU Actuarial Club as part of Gamma Iota Sigma; and demonstrate a commitment to a professional actuarial career.

Phyllis A. (Fehlhaber) Bair Scholarship in Math

Phyllis Anne (Fehlhaber) Bair was a 1958 graduate of ISU. Her husband, Wesley D. Bair, established the scholarship in her memory because of her appreciation of her education in mathematics. Candidate must be/have: enrolled in good standing at ISU; demonstrated strong academic achievement, evidenced by a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; provide evidence of extracurricular, volunteer, or community service involvement that demonstrates leadership potential; and junior status with 55 or more credit hours or senior status with 85 or more hours to apply for the award in the fall. Candidates who are awarded this scholarship their junior year will automatically receive the scholarship again during their senior year provided they remain in good standing and in compliance with the guidelines. Student must be majoring in mathematics at ISU and provide two letters of recommendation by faculty members. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. The Phyllis A. (Fehlhaber) Bair Scholarship in Math was established in 2018 through an estate commitment of Wesley Bair. Phyllis Anne (Fehlhaber) Bair was a 1958 graduate of ISU. Her husband, Wesley D. Bair, created the scholarship in memory of his wife because of her appreciation of her education in mathematics. The scholarship provides support for a student with a minimum of 55 credit hours majoring in mathematics.

George Skadron Computational Physics Fund

This endowment was established in 1997 in honor of the retirement of George Skadron through gifts from colleagues and friends. The fund directly supports undergraduate physics majors, primarily in the computer physics sequence, through three awards: research, classroom achievement, and service, as well as one competitive prize. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment The George Skadron Computational Physics Fund was established in 1997 in honor of the retirement of George Skadron through gifts from colleagues and friends. The fund directly supports undergraduate physics majors, primarily in the computer physics sequence, through three awards: research, classroom achievement, as well as one competitive prize.

Additionally Supports: Skadron Computational Physics Award for Class Achievement, Skadron Computational Physics Award for Research, Skadron Computational Physics Award for Service, Skadron Physics Scholarship, Skadron Prize

Dr. John B. Colwell Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1981 by the widow of Dr. John B. Colwell in his honor and memory. Colwell died in 1970 after practicing medicine in Champaign, IL. He attended Illinois State Normal University. The purpose of the fund is to provide recognition and award to an outstanding pre-med student(s). Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 1981 by the widow of Dr. John B. Colwell in his honor and memory. Colwell died in 1970 after practicing medicine in Champaign, IL. He attended Illinois State Normal University. The purpose of the fund is to provide recognition and award to an outstanding pre-med student(s).

Edward L. Mockford and Charles F. Thompson Summer Fellowship Endowment

The Edward L. Mockford and Charles F. Thompson Summer Fellowship Endowment supports a fellowship awarded to a graduate student involved in research in the Department of Biological Sciences. The Mockford/Thompson Summer Fellowship was created in 2008 by combining monies from two existing funds--the Edward L. Mockford Summer Fellowship Endowment created in 1986 in honor of Mockford's retirement and the Charles F. and Karen M. Thompson Endowment establised in 2007 in honor of Thompson's retirement. The new fund was set up at the request of the Beta Lambda Chapter of Phi Sigma and with permission of all donors. The Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Edward L. Mockford and Charles F. Thompson Summer Fellowship Endowment supports a fellowship awarded to a graduate student involved in research in the Department of Biological Sciences. The Mockford/Thompson Summer Fellowship was created in 2008 by combining monies from two existing funds--the Edward L. Mockford Summer Fellowship Endowment created in 1986 in honor of Mockford's retirement and the Charles F. and Karen M. Thompson Endowment established in 2007 in honor of Thompson's retirement. The new fund was set up at the request of the Beta Lambda Chapter of Phi Sigma and with permission of all donors.

Mike Kurz Research Fellowship Award

The Mike Kurz Graduate Research Fellowship Fund was created in honor of Dr. Mike Kurz, who chaired the Department of chemistry from 1986 until his retirement in 2003. The purpose of this fund is to provide a base of financial support for master's students who are willing to devote their summers to working on their thesis research projects. The Mike Kurz Graduate Research Fellowship Fund was created in honor of Dr. Mike Kurz, who chaired the Department of Chemistry from 1986 until his retirement in 2003. The purpose of this fund is to provide a base of financial support for master's students who are willing to devote their summers to working on their thesis research projects.

Mathematics Masters Endowment

This endowment was established in 1998 by John Dossey in honor of the mathematics department faculty who supported the department's master's students during the late 1960's and early 1970's. This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in a master's program in the department of mathematics. Qualified students must demonstrate academic leadership, promise, and strong character. Awardees must be enrolled in either pure or applied mathematics, statistics, or secondary mathematics education in the Department of Mathematics at ISU. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Mathematics Masters Endowment was established in 1998 by John Dossey in honor of the mathematics department faculty who supported the department's master's students during the late 1960's and early 1970's. This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in a master's program in the department of mathematics. Qualified students must demonstrate academic leadership, promise, and strong character. Awardees must be enrolled in either pure or applied mathematics, statistics, or secondary mathematics education in the Department of Mathematics at Illinois State University.

Mathematics Department Endowed Fund for Graduate Student Travel

This fund was established in 2011 by the chair of the Department of Mathematics through an endowment gift from former graduate student Wei Wei Ray. The purpose of the fund is to support an annual award for graduate students. The family of Ms. Ray supports the use of her generous estate gift because she remembered her time at Illinois State fondly and said that being on campus was the happiest time of her life. Endowment assets are invested in the Illinois State University Foundation's long-term investment pool.

Jamal R. Nassar Endowed Fund in Politics and Government

The Jamal Nassar Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 by colleagues and friends of Dr. Nassar. The purpose of this fund is to provide support for student scholarship, overseas travel, independent research, teaching or research assistantships, or travel to professional conferences or academic meetings. James R. Nassar was a faculty member at Illinois State University from 1978-2007, serving as Chair, Department of Politics and Government, from 1998-2007. In July 2007, Dr. Nassar retired from Illinois State University and became Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at California State University at San Bernardino.

Scholarship for French Study Abroad Endowment Fund

This scholarship was created by faculty, staff, and grateful alumni who wanted to provide students with the opportunity to study abroad in a French-speaking country. The scholarship may be used for travel expenses, tuition, and other costs related to studying abroad.

Steve and Lori Nalefski Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Steve and Lori Nalefski endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Steve and Lori Nalefski to create support for students that are majoring in Geology. Steve and Lori are both earned their undergraduate degree from Illinois State University.

Lloyd and Mary Watkins Endowed Communication Studies Scholarship Fund

The Lloyd and Mary Watkins Endowed Communication Studies Scholarship was originally established in 1988 by a gift from Champion Federal Savings & Loan to honor former President and First Lady Lloyd and Mary Watkins. Lloyd served as president of Illinois State University from 1977 to 1988. The purpose of this fund is to support scholarships in the School of Communication and will be used as financial support to undergraduate students majoring in communication studies. Candidate selection is based not only on academic merit but also includes personal success skills such as: initiative, creativity, ethical leadership, and a commitment to improving the lives of others through the expert application of communication.

Dr. Robert and Marilyn Sutherland Endowment for Creative Writing Fellows

Robert Sutherland retired from teaching in January 1993. He is pleased that he and his colleagues were able to establish a successful creative writing program at Illinois State and foster departmental support for literary publications. The Sutherland Fellowships are awarded to students involved with the production of publications on a daily basis, whether engaged in proofreading and preparing text, design and layout, printing preparation, or marketing and advertising. In addition, students on fellowship learn about non-profit publishing, current trends in the publishing field, and lobbying for the literary arts.

Arvegenix Research Assistant Fund

The Arvegenix Research Assistant Fund was established following a $25,000 gift from Arvegenix to provide research assistantship support for Biology graduate students.

Dr. Gary P. Holland Scholarship

The Dr. Sharon Brown-Hayes Scholarship was established by Sharon D. Brown-Haynes in order to support Earth and Science Space Education students. The scholarship is meant to support students with financial need and to promote diversity of educators by providing awards for first-generation college students and members of traditionally underrepresented populations to the major.

Bird Seed Scholarship for Arts and Sciences

The Bird Seed Scholarship for Arts and Sciences Majors was established by Tom Ochs in order to financially assist students studying in any major in the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University.

Quizon-Colquitt Family Chemistry Scholarship

As a chemistry student earning her master's degree, Desiree received scholarship funding to enable her to attend specialized training in her field. The funding was specific to a female, student of color. Now in a position to pay it forward, Desiree and Andre want to create a scholarship that will offer the same benefit to a female student of color. Thus establishing the Quizon-Colquitt Family Chemistry Scholarship.

Barbara Lee Aubertine Scholarship for College of Arts and Sciences

The Barbara Lee Aubertine Scholarship for College of Arts and Sciences provides financial assistance for students majoring in English, literature or journalism. The scholarship was established by Matt Aubertine to honor his mother, Barbara Lee Aubertine. Matt's appreciation for the value of good writing, grammar, and enlightening others was shaped by the influence of his mother.

Les and Shannon Vann Endowed Scholarship

The Les and Shannon Vann Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to create support for upperclassmen that are taking part of TV-10.

Sharon P. and William B. Oglesby Endowed Scholarship

The Sharon P. and William B. Oglesby Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 by Sharon and William Oglesby to provide financial assistance for juniors or seniors majoring in English at Illinois State University. Preference will be given to students who were born in, or currently reside in, DeWitt County, IL. If a qualified candidate from DeWitt County is not available, students from Illinois who reside outside of Cook County may be considered.

Patty Berndt Memorial Scholarship

Patty Berndt's family and friends established this scholarship in her memory to continue Patty's legacy of transforming the lives of students. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to social work students at Illinois State University. Growing up, Patty worked with her parents as missionaries in Guatemala. She graduated from the University as a nontraditional student in 1988 with a bachelor's in social work and became a licensed social worker in 2000. She served her alma mater as an instructor in the School of Social Work and as the director of Student Services, including advising students. Each candidate must be accepted or enrolled in the School of Social Work, submit an essay, and have financial need.

Helen Cavanagh History Award

Helen Cavanagh was a professor of history at Illinois State University. Through her estate, this endowment was created to support annual awards recognizing academic excellence and scholarly work including two awards per year to the best master's and doctoral student, two awards for best masters’ thesis: best in U.S. History and best in non-U.S. History, and one award for best doctoral dissertation. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. Helen Cavanagh was a professor of History at Illinois State University. Through her estate, this endowment was created to support annual awards recognizing academic excellence and scholarly work including two awards per year to the best master's and doctoral student, two awards for best masters' thesis: best in U.S. History and best in non-U.S. History, and one award for best doctoral dissertation.

Mark Wyman Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2004 in honor of Mark Wyman by family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student beginning his/her second semester majoring in history. Preference will be given to a non-traditional age student. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Mark Wyman Scholarship was established in 2004 in honor of Mark Wyman by family, friends, and colleagues. The scholarship is awarded to a student beginning his/her second semester majoring in History. Preference will be given to a non-traditional student.

Jack Ward Fund

This endowment was established in 1983 by friends and colleagues of Jack Ward. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student majoring in biological sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Jack Ward Fund was established in 1983 by friends and colleagues of Jack Ward. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student majoring in biological sciences.

Dr. H. Tak Cheung Endowment for the General Education Teaching Assistant Award

This fund was established by H. Tak Cheung to acknowledge the contributions of teaching assistants in the Introduction to Biology course he developed and teaches for non-majors, and to support projects to further the mission of general education in Biology. Cheung joined Illinois State in 1979 as an assistant professor of Microbiology. After rising to the rank of full professor, he became department Chair in 1997, and Executive Director when it became the School of Biological Sciences in 2008. Candidates must be in good standing at Illinois State, demonstrate dedication and commitment in developing and teaching a nonmajor biology course, and submit an application.

Dr. Robert H. Gray Biology/Ecology Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2005 by Robert Gray. The purpose of the fund is to encourage and support graduate students studying ecology, evolutionary biology, and/or ecological sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Robert H. Gray Biology/Ecology Scholarship was established in 2005 by Robert Gray. The purpose of the fund is to encourage and support graduate students studying ecology, evolutionary biology, and/or ecological sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.

Marvin D. Kleinau Scholarship for Forensics

The award was created by Marvin D. Kleinau in 2006, in gratitude for the life changing instruction given at the time of his undergraduate experience, by the department chair and debate coach, Ralph A. Micken, and the generous support of the Department of Communication speech faculty for forensic activity. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for students engaged in nationally competitive speech and debate activities as representatives of ISU. Income may be used to defray expenses related to education, travel, and/or other costs associated with participation in the Forensics Program at ISU. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The award was created by Marvin D. Kleinau in 2006, in gratitude for the life changing instruction given at the time of his undergraduate experience, by the department chair and debate coach, Ralph A. Micken, and the generous support of the Department of Communication speech faculty for forensic activity. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for students engaged in nationally competitive speech and debate activities as representatives of ISU. Income may be used to defray expenses related to education, travel, and/or other costs associated with participation in the Forensics Program at ISU.

Riaz Graduate Student Award Fund

The Riaz Graduate Student Award will recognize a graduate student in the Department of Politics and Government studying either Comparative Politics and/or International Relations.

Taimi Ranta Childrens Literature Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1996 in memory of Professor Taimi Maria Ranta. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in English with the intent of focusing on children’s or adolescent literature. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Taimi Ranta Childrens Literature Scholarship endowment was established in 1996 in memory of Professor Taimi Maria Ranta. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in English focusing on children's or adolescent literature. In addition to scholarships, funds may be used to provide resources for deserving students who are studying children's literature and who wish to present scholarly works at related conferences. Those students who receive these scholarships will be designated as "Ranta Scholars."

Robinson/Eckelmann Scholarship in Speech Pathology and Audiology

The Robinson/Eckelmann Scholarship was created in December 2006 with the combined funds of two existing endowments, the Kay Robinson Scholarship Fund and the Dorothy Eckelmann Fund. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for graduate students in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology (now Communication Sciences and Disorders) and in doing so, honor the memories of two former faculty members in that department. Each candidate for the scholarship must be enrolled in good standing at Illinois State University, be accepted into the speech pathology and audiology graduate program, have demonstrated strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and use the award for tuition and fees. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Robinson/Eckelmann Scholarship was created in December 2006 with the combined funds of two existing endowments, the Kay Robinson Scholarship Fund and the Dorothy Eckelmann Fund. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for graduate students in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology (now Communication Sciences and Disorders) and in doing so, honor the memories of two former faculty members in that department. Each candidate for the scholarship must be enrolled in good standing at Illinois State University, be accepted into the speech pathology and audiology graduate program, have demonstrated strong academic achievement, as evidenced by a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and use the award for tuition and fees.

Sertoma Club of Springfield, Illinois Scholarship

The Sertoma Club of Springfield, Illinois Scholarship was established by President Mark Hanson and its members to provide financial assistance to students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Sally Parry-Robert McLaughlin Sigma Tau Delta Travel Award

The Sally Parry-Robert McLaughlin Sigma Tau Delta Travel Award was established in 2018 to support travel for students who are members of the Lambda Delta chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. Support may be used to help students who are traveling for professional conferences.

James Noah Vidette Editor's Scholarship

The James Hoah Vidette Editor's Scholarship was created in 2005 by James. E. Noah, in recognition of his student experiences at ISU. The purpose is to provide financial support to ISU students serving as Editor of the Vidette, the University's daily student newspaper. Assets from this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. The James Noah Vidette Editor's Scholarship was created in 2005 by James. E. Noah, in recognition of his student experiences at ISU. The purpose is to provide financial support to ISU students serving as Editor of the Vidette, the University's daily student newspaper.

Paul Carlson Spanish Teacher Education Fund

The Paul Carlson Spanish Teacher Education Fund was established to provide financial assistance for students enrolled in Spanish Teacher Education with demonstrated financial need. Scholarship may be applied toward tuition or study abroad.

Allie Ward Billingsley Scholarship Endowment

This endowment was established in 1973 by friends and colleagues in honor of the retirement of Dr. Allie Ward Billingsley. The scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate student, majoring in Spanish, with a commitment to teaching. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Allie Ward Billingsley Scholarship was established in 1973 by friends and colleagues in honor of the retirement of Dr. Allie Ward Billingsley. The scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in Spanish who displays a commitment to teaching.

COUNTRY Financial College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship

COUNTRY Financial College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship to support students majoring in Liberal Arts including any and all noted on the proposal to COUNTRY Financial.

Lucy Lucile Tasher Scholarship

The Lucy Lucile Tasher Endowment fund is established throught a bequest from the estate of Lucy Lucile Tasher for the purpose of awarding scholarship support for upperlass students at ISU who major in history. The Lucy Lucile Tasher Endowment fund is established throught a bequest from the estate of Lucy Lucile Tasher for the purpose of awarding scholarship support for upperclass students at ISU who major in History.

Frank D. Lumley Chemistry Scholarship

The Frank D. Lumley Chemistry Scholarship Fund was established to provide assistance to those students who are studying chemistry.

Steve Berger Scholarship

The Steve Berger Scholarship was established in 2023 by Steven Berger in order to provide scholarship support for students in the School of Communication.

Aaron Hillebrandt Actuarial Science Scholarship

The Aaron Hillebrandt Actuarial Science Scholarship was established to assist students that are active or past members of the United States military who are studying Actuarial Science.

Dr. Graham A. and Marion Jones Mathematics Scholarship for Junior High/Middle School Education Majors

This endowment was established in honor of Charles and Doris Jones, the parents of visiting professor Graham Jones. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student having attained junior-level status and enrolled in junior high/middle school education with mathematics as the first area of study through the department of curriculum and instruction. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Graham A. and Marion Jones Mathematics Scholarship for Junior High/Middle School Education Majors was established in honor of Charles and Doris Jones, the parents of visiting professor Graham Jones. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student having attained junior-level status and enrolled in junior high/middle school education with mathematics as the first area of study.

Harmon Recruitment Scholarship in History

This endowment was established in 2003 by Sandra and Paul Harmon. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time freshman student with a declared major of history or history education. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 2003 by Sandra and Paul Harmon. Sandra received her master and doctor of arts degrees in history from Illinois State University. She served the University as an instructional assistant professor in history; interim assistant to the president for Affirmative Action; director of the Affirmative Action office; and three-time interim director, and assistant director and academic advisor, of the Women's Studies Program. She retired in 2004. Paul served as general counsel and secretary of the Illinois Agricultural Association and COUNTRY Insurance until his retirement in 2008. He also served as mayor of the Town of Normal from 1985-1993. The purpose of this scholarship is to attract outstanding students from underrepresented groups to the Department of History.

Douglas and Dorothy Bey Math Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1987 by Douglas and Dorothy Bey. The scholarship is awarded to a student completing their junior year with selection based on scholarship, service, and potential and intent to pursue a graduate program in math sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Douglas and Dorothy Bey Math Scholarship was established in 1987 by Douglas and Dorothy Bey. The scholarship is awarded to a student completing their junior year with selection based on scholarship, service, and potential and intent to pursue a graduate program in math sciences.

Connie Johnson Heins Back-A-Bird Scholarship

The Connie Johnson Heins Back-A-Bird Scholarship was established by Connie Heins in order to support a student pursuing secondary education in English or French.

George J. Gordon Scholarship in U.S. Public Affairs

This endowment was established in 2004 by George and Myra Gordon. The scholarship is awarded to a junior level student majoring in political science with at least 12 hours of coursework completed in classes that are part of the department’s public service sequence. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 2004 by George and Myra Gordon. The scholarship is awarded to a junior level student majoring in political science with at least 12 hours of coursework completed in classes that are part of the department's public service sequence.

John P. Freese Endowed Fund

*** This endowment was established in 1997 by family, friends and colleagues to recognize the retirement of John P. Freese as Chief Judge for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court. John earned a bachelor's degree in political science from Illinois State in 1969. He and his wife, Marilyn, have three children. No guidelines have been established for this fund. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The John P. Freese Endowed Fund was established to support an undergraduate student with a declared major in political science. Preference will be given to a student interested in pursuing a degree in law. John earned a bachelor's degree in political science from Illinois State University in 1969 and a juris doctorate from the University of Michigan in 1972. He served as a judge advocate in the U.S. Navy from 1973 to 1976 and then returned to Bloomington to establish a private law practice from 1976 to 1982. The endowment was started in 1997 by family, friends, and colleagues to recognize the 50th birthday of John P. Freese, chief judge for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in McLean County.

Phares O'Daffer Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics

This endowment was established in 2003 by Phares and Harriet O’Daffer. Phares is a retired mathematics faculty member, and Harriet is a homemaker. Both are alumni of Illinois State, and they have three children. The fellowship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Ph.D. Mathematics Education Program. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Phares O'Daffer Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics was established in 2003 by Phares and Harriet O'Daffer. Phares is a retired mathematics faculty member, and Harriet is a homemaker. Both are alumni of Illinois State, and they have three children. The fellowship is awarded to a student enrolled in the Ph.D. Mathematics Education Program.

Mathematics Scholar Award

The scholarship was established by the Department of Mathematics at Illinois State University in 2000 for the purpose of acknowledging and awarding outstanding academic performance of entering freshmen in one of the degree programs in the department. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The scholarship was established by the Department of Mathematics at Illinois State University in 2000 for the purpose of acknowledging and awarding outstanding academic performance of entering freshmen in one of the degree programs in the department.

Catherine O'Leary Endowed French Scholarship

The Catherine O'Leary Endowed French Scholarship Fund was established in 2016 by James P. O'Leary, in honor of his sister Catherine. The award supports an undergraduate, transfer, or graduate student majoring in French.

Lathrop Watterson Scholarship Award

This endowment was established in 1966 in memory of Harry Lathrop by his family. The scholarship is awarded to a student pursuing a degree in geography or geology. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Lathrop Memorial Scholarship endowment was established in 1966 in memory of Harry Lathrop by his family. The scholarship is awarded to a student pursuing a degree in geography or geology.

Laurine Reiske Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2005 with a gift from the John W. Reiske estate. The scholarship is awarded to a student at the sophomore level or above enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 2005 with a gift from the John W. Reiske estate. The scholarship is awarded to a student at the sophomore level or above enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Elizabeth Hatmaker Memorial Graduate Scholarship

The Elizabeth Hatmaker Memorial Graduate Scholarship was established in 2017 by Christopher Brue in memory of his wife Elizabeth Hatmaker. The scholarship provides a one-time scholarship for a doctoral level student in English Studies.

Dr. Ann Beck Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Dr. Ann Beck Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Ann Beck and Gary Beck to celebrate and honor the retirement of Dr. Ann Beck. This scholarship is available to those who are studying Communication Sciences and Disorders and focusing on the students self0compassion in their clinical work.

The Glaser Family Teacher Education Scholarship Fund

The Glaser Family Teacher Education Scholarship Fund was established to financially assist students who are wanting to pursue a career in the field of education.

Robert J. Glaser Memorial Scholarship Endowment

The Robert J. Glaser Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established in 2016 by Robert J. Glaser. Mr. Glaser graduated in 1958 from Illinois State Normal University with a teaching degree, and a MS in 1963. He retired from teaching in 1993. The scholarship provides financial support for students with a declared major in the field of economics, history, politics and government, or sociology and anthropology and may be applied toward tuition, room and board, fees and books associated with the recipient's studies.

Russell P. Strange Memorial Endowed History Scholarship

The Russell P. Strange Memorial Endowed History Scholarship was established by Priscilla Matthews, Illinois State associate professor emerita Milner Library, in memory of her father and to honor his commitment to higher education as the foundation for an informal citizenry and a strong country. The scholarship provides support to a student who demonstrates academic and personal achievement in history. Preference will be given to students from Southern Illinois.

WGLT Facilities and Equipment Fund WGLT Equipment Fund

The WGLT Facilities and Equipment Fund helps support the facilities and operational needs of WGLT, including the purchase and maintenance of equipment for the station. WGLT public radio is licensed to Illinois State University and is part of Illinois State University School of Communication.

Kathryn S. Bohn, M.D. and Thomas E. Nielsen, M.D. Resource Room

The Kathryn S. Bohn, M.D. and Thomas E. Nielsen, M.D. Resource Room Fund will be used to create a collaborative space used by Chemistry and Biology students and faculty at Illinois State University. Funds may be used to make improvements to room 215 in Julian Hall, including equipment and furnishings needed to support a collaborative space. Funds should be used for the long-term maintenance of the space. Responsibility for disbursement of funds will be shared by the Chair, School of Biological Sciences and the Chair, Department of Chemistry.