Lanny Morreau Student Research Fund

Distinguished Professor of Special Education Lanny E. Morreau earned his bachelor's degree at ISNU in 1961 & later taught at ISU for 27 years before his death on May 11, 2001. Lanny Morreau invested much of his time & energy mentoring students on research projects during his career at ISU. To honor Lanny's contributions to this area, the Department of Special Education established this fund. Undergraduate & graduate students in the department will be able to access this fund to purchase materials and supplies that they need to undertake & complete research projects. The funds may also be used to support students in disseminating the results of their research at professional conferences. The funds may also support departmental faculty members when they are presenting at professional conferences with students. At least 50% or more of the funds available each year will be awarded to students. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool. Distinguished Professor of Special Education Lanny E. Morreau earned his bachelor's degree at ISNU in 1961 & later taught at ISU for 27 years before his death on May 11, 2001. Lanny Morreau invested much of his time & energy mentoring students on research projects during his career at ISU. To honor Lanny's contributions to this area, the Department of Special Education established this fund. Undergraduate & graduate students in the department will be able to access this fund to purchase materials and supplies that they need to undertake & complete research projects. The funds may also be used to support students in disseminating the results of their research at professional conferences. The funds may also support departmental faculty members when they are presenting at professional conferences with students. At least 50% or more of the funds available each year will be awarded to students.

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