Provost Funds

Total funds:  154

Center for Civic Engagement Fund

The Center for Civic Engagement was started in 2016 to strengthen Illinois State University's commitment to the value and importance of civic engagement. The Center brings coordination and a shared purpose to the numerous civic engagement efforts occurring across the University as well as to create new opportunities, supporting in-class and out-of-class learning experiences that partner with the community. The Center for Civic Engagement fund supports the activities, programs and operations of the Center.

Stevenson Center

The Stevenson Center Fund supports the student programs, activities, and operations of the Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development. The Center promotes community and economic development in the U.S. and abroad. Through its students, staff, and faculty, the Center cultivates leaders in public service through innovative partnerships with organizations like Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. The Stevenson Center sets the pace for service and understanding through a unique combination of interdisciplinary coursework, research, professional practice and community collaboration.

Presidential Scholarship Fund

The Presidential Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship available to new freshmen. Recipients receive up to $11,000 per year renewable for four years. The Presidential Scholars fund helps the University recruit and retain the highest achieving students to Illinois State University. Presidential Scholars are selected from a pool of admitted students based on academic qualifications such as ACT/SAT, High School GPA, and an on campus interview. Effort is made to select the best students from a variety of backgrounds and majors. Presidential Scholarship applicants are notified of their status by mid-March.

University Club Scholarships

The University Club Scholarship fund was established in 1989 to provide support for students who have not only achieved academically at the highest level and but also have been engaged in service to the University and the local community.

Bruce "Charlie" Johnson Circus Collections Endowment Fund

The Bruce "Charlie" Johnson Circus Special Collections Endowment fund was established in 2016 by Bruce A. Johnson. Bruce started performing as Charlie the Juggling Clown in 1974. He began his circus career in 1976 when he joined Circus Kirk, the first touring professional youth circus. He is internationally recognized as an entertainer, author, artist, and instructor. He has written and illustrated numerous magazine articles for a variety of art publications. His books include Comedy Techniques for Entertainers and the Creativity for Entertainers trilogy. He was a core staff member of "Clown Camp" for over 20 years. He has taught and performed in North America, Europe, and Asia and is internationally known as a clown historian. Funds from this endowment will help underwrite the cost of maintenance and acquisition of circus and circus related artifacts in Special Collections at Milner Library.

Milner Library Fund

The Milner Library Fund supports the general operating needs of Milner Library at Illinois State University. Milner has been an active partner in the teaching, learning, and service activities of Illinois State University. Milner librarians provide research assistance and library instruction customized to meet the needs of students and faculty.

Bryant Jackson Library Lectureship

This endowment was established in 2002 by Joe Kraus in honor of Bryant Jackson, his associate university librarian, who was a member of the Milner Library faculty from 1960-1986. The fund provides for guest speakers and library leaders as well as workshops, learning materials, research, scholarship, and publication to promote staff development and professional growth.

Rayfield Dallinger Fund to Support University History

The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to support the preservation of university history at Milner Library, Illinois State University. Funds might be used to collect and preserve materials related to university history, to promote research on university history, and to disseminate historical information about the University. This might include, but not be limited to, acquisition or conservation of documents, publications, or artifacts; modest research stipends; or modest repairs to historical buildings on campus.

Other (fill in gift notes for specific designation)

The Red and White Student Scholarship was established in March 2012 to assure general scholarship funds were available to support access to higher education and academic excellence. The scholarship is available to students with demonstrated need and/or high academic achievement.

Milner Library Special Collections Fund

Milner Library Special Collections Fund was created in 2015 to support Special Collections at Milner Library.

Olamide Adeyooye Scholarship

The Olamide Adeyooye Scholarship was established in 2006 to honor Olamide Adeyooye, a senior whose life was tragically ended three months prior to her graduation. Candidates must have demonstrated academic achievement, financial need, and a commitment to campus and/or community service; and have completed at least 30 hours of credit.

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) Fund

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) Fund was established in September 1996. CTLT offers resources that aid in the expansion of pedagogical knowledge and skills within Illinois State University's teaching community. The purpose of the fund is to support educators in their pursuit of excellence and innovation in teaching, improved student learning, and the effective use of technology.

Nikita D. Richards Perseverance & Civic Engagement Scholarship

The Nikita D. Richards Perseverance & Civic Engagement Scholarship was established by Nikita to help assist students who, like her, experienced socioeconomic challenges, and who are utilizing their time at ISU to fulfill their purpose in life. She has committed her life to being civically engaged at the local, state and national level and encourages all Redbirds to get involved and make a difference on our campus and in our community.

Kenneth and Mary Ann Shaw Scholarship

The Kenneth and Mary Ann Shaw Scholarship was established in 2001 by Kenneth and Mary Ann Shaw. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman who has demonstrated strong academic achievement that merits application for a Presidential Scholarship. Dr. Kenneth "Buzz" Shaw earned his undergraduate degree from Illinois State University in 1961, pursuing advanced degrees at the University of Illinois and Purdue University. He holds eight honorary degrees, is a renowned author, advisor, and consultant, and participated as a board member for many prestigious organizations. Mary Ann Shaw has been a long-time active community servant dedicated to education, children's issues, and promotion of service learning. She served as a reading specialist for many years. Mary Ann holds a Bachelor of Science degree in sociology and Master of Science degree in education from Townson University.

Marilyn M. Boyd Memorial Scholarship For International Students

The Marilyn M. Boyd Memorial Scholarship for International Students was established in 2007 by Lisa and Benjamin Boyd in memory of their mother, Marilyn Boyd, who served as the program coordinator for Illinois State University's International House program for almost 25 years until her passing in 2007. The purpose of the fund is to provide a scholarship to an outstanding International House student who might not otherwise be able to attend Illinois State. Preference is given to students from developing countries world wide or emerging nations of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Alternative Breaks Support Fund

The Alternative Breaks Support Fund provides financial support for the activities essential to the growth and enhancement of the programs and services provided through Alternative Breaks offer through Illinois State University.

Senior Professionals Charles W. Bolen Endowed Student Award

The Senior Professionals organization at Illinois State University was founded by Charles W. Bolen soon after his retirement from ISU in 1988. The original purpose of the organization was to provide a group of retirees in the Bloomington-Normal area to serve as mentors to selected students. With the encouragement and support of President Thomas Wallace, Provost David Strand, and Honors Program director Ira Cohen, the mentoring program was established with students in the Honors Program. Later, the board authorized the selection of three mentees each year to each receive a $1,000 cash award from Senior Professionals. Bolen's leadership, contributions, enthusiasm, and commitment led to the ongoing success of the Senior Professionals.

Honors Program General Fund

The Honors Program restricted fund provides support for the activities, programs and operations associated with the Honors Program.

International Studies

The International Studies Fund provides support for the activities, programs and operations associated with the the Office of International Studies and Programs at Illinois State University. The Office coordinates a full range of international activities and services for domestic and international undergraduates, graduates, professors and researchers.

Student In Need Scholarship Fund

The Student In Need Scholarship fund provides financial support for students who have need or experience significant financial hardship. Students receiving support from this fund would not have been able to complete their degree without the support from this important fund.

Additionally Supports: Cherrise Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Administrative/Professional Council Scholarship

This fund was established by the Administrative/Professional Council at Illinois State University to benefit students who are the children of A/P employees. Candidates must be the son or daughter of a current A/P staff member or retiree (any child with legal guardianship), be enrolled at Illinois State University as full- time undergraduate students (12 hours or greater) at the time the award is presented, and be in good academic standing as outlined by the University at the time the award is presented. Endowment assets are invested in the Illinois State University Foundation's long-term investment pool.

Friends of Donna Mauk Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The Friends of Donna Mauk Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in May 2009 by Ed Warshaw and friends. The purpose of this scholarship is to help students who have lost a parent to cancer or are battling or have survived cancer themselves. Donna's friends believe that she would be pleased to be able to help Illinois State University students who face these challenges. Funds may be used for educational expenses. Donna Mauk lost her life to cancer in 2008, and although she never attended Illinois State University, she shared her life with Steve Mauk, a graduate of the Class of 1979. She also had many close friends that were graduates of Illinois State University. When the fund was converted from restricted to endowed in 2012, Steve Mauk's daughters, Amber Pannell and Tara Boyer, were added as founding donors along with Ed Warshaw.

Bone Scholarship

Since Robert Bone retired as President of Illinois State University in 1967, the ISU Foundation Board of Directors has funded the Bone Scholar Awards. Recipients of Bone Scholar Awards have reached the highest level of recognition attainable by an ISU student. In 1988-1989, members of the Foundation Board, in conjunction with the Honors College, conducted a fund raising campaign to "endow" the Bone Scholar program. The campaign was successful and a Bone Scholar Endowment Fund has been established.

International Studies - Study Abroad

The International Studies - Study Abroad Program Fund was established in 1995 providing support for activities, programs and operations associated with the the Study Abroad Program.

Graduate School

The Graduate School Fund was established in 1978 to support the services and programs administered within the Graduate School. The Graduate School at Illinois State University provides resources for students as they navigate life as a graduate student.

Red and White Student Scholarship Fund

The Red and White Student Scholarship was established in March 2012 to assure general scholarship funds were available to support access to higher education and academic excellence. The scholarship is available to students with demonstrated need and/or high academic achievement.

Larry H. and Marlene D. Dietz Study Abroad Scholarship

The Larry H. and Marlene D. Dietz Study Abroad Scholarship was established in 2017 by President Larry H. and Marlene D. Dietz to provide financial assistance for students interested in participating in a study abroad experience. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need and who have not previously had an opportunity to travel internationally.

Ray Johnson and Jeanne Muzzillo Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship

The Ray Johnson and Jeanne Muzzillo Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 by Ray Johnson. The scholarship provides support for a student in good standing for study abroad travel.

Sandra Little Groves Graduate Student Emergency Assistance Endowed Fund

The Sandra Groves Graduate Student Emergency Assistance Endowed Fund was established at the time of Sandra's retirement in 2007 by her colleagues to recognize her outstanding contributions to Illinois State University and her profession. The purpose of this fund is to retain graduate students who may need financial assistance in emergency situations that jeopardize the student's degree completion within the time to degree limitations defined by the Graduate School policy.

University College Fund

University College supports students adjust to university providing programs and services to help students achieve their educational goals and realize their full academic potential. The University College Fund was established in 1998 to provide financial support for the programs and services offered by the department.

Milner Student Success Center

The Milner Student Success Center fund was started in 2019 to help equip, maintain, and enhance the Student Success Center. Located on the first floor of Milner Library, the Student Success Center will serve as an innovative campus hub for learning, research, and technology. A highly interactive, service-focused, and technology rich space, this addition will allow Milner Library to supplement traditional library services in collaboration with campus partners as well as foster creativity by housing Milner Library's MakeIt@Milner maker space.

COVID-19 Redbirds Response Fund

The COVID-19 Redbirds Response Fund will allow Illinois State University to help students experiencing job loss, homelessness, food insecurities, and financial hardship associated with COVID-19.

Lopez and Navarro Scholarship

The Lopez and Navarro scholarship was established in 2018 by Daniel Lopez, Jr. and Robert L. Navarro Jr.

Student Research and Innovation

The Student Research and Innovation Fund was established in 2018 with a transfer from the ISU Excellence Fund to support and encourage student research across the University.

Doris Grube Zeck Library Outreach Fund

The Doris Grube Zeck Library Outreach Fund was established in 2018 by Dr. Sharon Zeck to support outreach activities, including exhibit related costs, receptions and speakers at Milner Library. Funds may also be used to support the DC Internship Program.

CEMAST - IMAST Enhancement

The CeMaST - IMaST Enhancement Fund was established in 1995 to support the programs and operations of the Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST) at Illinois State University. CeMaST serves to stimulate, conduct, and support integrative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education activities and scholarship.

William Carl "Bill" McDonald Scholarship

The William Carl "Bill" McDonald Scholarship For Single Parent Students was established by Catherine "Cat" McDonald in honor of her late husband William. The scholarship provides financial support for highly motivated students who are single parents. Catherine's motivation was to help encourage and reward academic diligence and perseverance and assist in eliminating financial barriers that might prevent enrollment of, or the continuation of, college for Illinois State University students who are single parents.

Senior Professionals Fund

The purpose of this fund is to support scholarships, service learning grants, coordinator salary, program expenses, annual meeting, group socials and other designations as determined by Senior Professionals.

Stan and Sandra Rives Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award

This endowment was established in 2002 by Stan and Sandra Rives to recognize and reward a faculty or staff member who is responsible for improving the undergraduate experience of students at ISU. The award may recognize teaching or any other significant contribution to the undergraduate program. Candidates must have been a member of the University community for a minimum of three years.

Andrew A. Young Endowed Scholarship

The Andrew A. Young Endowed Scholarship was established in November 2015 through a distribution of the Andrew A. Young Trust. Mr. Young was a 1943 graduate of Illinois State University. He passed away June 1, 1995. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support to a student attending Illinois State University in any major. Preference will be given to a student from Oakwood Township High School, Vermilion County, Illinois, who has excelled in one or more sports.

Sheryll (Renken) and Todd Rockway Endowed Scholarship

The Sheryll (Renken) and Todd Rockway Endowed Scholarship in Biology and Chemistry was established by Sheryll (Renken) and Todd Rockway in September 2016. The scholarship provides financial support to students majoring in either biology or chemistry at Illinois State University. Sheryll (Renken) Rockway attended Illinois State University from 1967-1971, majoring in biology with a general science minor and teacher certification. She attained a master's degree from Northern Illinois University in 1979 and her doctorate in Science Education from the University of Iowa in 1994. Todd Rockway graduated from University of California Berkeley with a chemistry major in 1974. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from University of Arizona, Tucson, in 1983.

Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College Scholarship

The Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College Scholarship was established in 2018 to provide financial assistance for a transfer student from Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College attending Illinois State University. Candidates must be accepted for enrollment or enrolled in good standing in the Illinois State University 3+1 (graphic design) degree partnership. Students are required to submit a portfolio of their work and will be selected based on the portfolio, merit, and talent.

RTL Veterans Assistance Endowment

The RTL Veterans Assistance Endowment was established in 2018 by Robert T. Landes, Jr. The scholarship provides support for an Illinois State University student who is enrolled in good standing, full or part time, who are veterans of any branch of service of the U.S. Armed Forces.

State Farm Diversity Scholarship

The State Farm Diversity Scholarship provides support for students from diverse populations with unmet financial need attending Illinois State University. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist recruitment and retention efforts for students from underrepresented populations with demonstrate financial need. Scholarships will be awarded annually, to the fullest extent possible, as coordinated by the Director of Financial Aid at Illinois State University. Scholarships may be offered as one-time or renewable based on the availability of funds. The State Farm Diversity Scholarship started in August 2004 under the name Minority Achievement Scholarship - State Farm with a gift of $50,000 from State Farm Companies Foundation. In 2021, the Fund name was changed to State Farm Diversity Scholarship to be more consistent with current language.

Dianne S. and Douglas A. DeLong Milner Library Endowment

The Dianne S. and Douglas A. DeLong Milner Library Endowment was established in 1998 by Dianne and Douglas DeLong, who were on the faculty of Milner Library from 1967-1998. The fund provides financial assistance for the purchase of materials about religion for Milner Library.

Dale M. Shulaw and Gladys G. Shulaw Presidential Scholarship in Physics

The Dale M. Shulaw Scholarship was established in 1989 in memory of Dale Shulaw, a 1947 graduate of Illinois State Normal University, by his wife Gladys Shulaw and friends. Following the passing of Mrs. Shulaw in 2019 and in accordance with terms of her estate, the Dale M. Shulaw Scholarship was renamed the Dale M. Shulaw and Gladys G. Shulaw Presidential Scholarship in Physics and will be part of the University Presidential Scholars program.

Mary and Stuart Broad Dreamers Scholarship

The Mary and Stuart Broad Dreamers Scholarship was established in 2020 by Bob Broad and Julie Hile. The scholarship supports students facing financial challenges during their time at Illinois State. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Talkington Family Endowed Scholarship

The Talkington Family Endowed Scholarship was established by Joe E. Talkington in October 2016 to provide financial support to employees working full time or part time at Westminster Village in Bloomington, IL. Joe retired from Illinois State University in June 1991 having served the University with distinction as Department Chairperson and professor in the Department of Technology (formerly the Department of Industrial Technology) for more than 29 years. He has been a resident of Westminster Village since September 2012.

Class of 1985 Scholarship

The Class of 1985 Scholarship fund was established as half of the gift of the class of 1985 during their senior year. Candidates must meet a minimum GPA, have 30 semester hours completed, demonstrated leadership and participation in campus activities, and a demonstrated financial need. One letter of recommendation is required.

Dr. Elizabeth C. Imel Scholarship

The Dr. Elizabeth C. Imel Scholarship was established in 2019 to provide financial assistance to students who are preferably graduates of Galesburg High School or from Knox County with demonstrated financial need.

Hettie Bunker Smith Presidential Scholarship

The Hettie Bunker Smith Presidential Endowment was established to assist and reward students who are coming to Illinois State University from high school.

Krouwer Endowed Scholarship

The Krouwer Family Scholarship Endowment was established in 2008 by Peter and Joanne Krouwer. This endowed fund was created as a further dimension from the Krouwer Foundation Scholarship Award that the Krouwers had established in 2001. The Krouwer Family Scholarship is designed to provide assistance with the costs of tuition, fees, and room and board for the selected recipient(s). This scholarship will be awarded to beginning freshmen and is annually renewable for up to four years (total of five years), provided the recipient(s) continue to meet the scholarship criteria.

Rose Steiner Presidential Scholarship

The Rose Steiner Presidential Scholarship was established through an estate gift from Rose Steiner, who passed away on November 19, 1999 at the age of 83. Rose Steiner was a long time supporter of Illinois State University.

Leading Libraries: Cheryl Elzy Fund to Support Milner Library Technology, Intellectual Property, and Administrative Proj

This fund was started in May 2006 by an anonymous donor to enhance the public service, research, and technology strengths of Illinois State University's Milner Library. The fund supports activities, programs, equipment, research, and travel that meet the current demands and needs of higher education and/or academic library administration. Through working with the staff, the donor gained confidence in the abilities of the administration, faculty, and staff to become national leaders in library and library-related issues. This endowment is the realization for the vision of that donor.

James and Catherine Ferro Scholarship

The James and Catherine Ferro Scholarship was established in 1985 following an estate gift from Mary F. Ferro Bierstadt, a 1928 graduate of ISU. In 1934, Mary received her Bachelors degree in secondary education. The scholarship was established in honor of her parents James and Catherine Ferro.

Diversity Scholarship

Illinois State University seeks to educate a citizenry that can function in an ethnically and culturally diverse society. This purpose of this fund is to support scholarships for academically talented students from traditionally underrepresented populations. Applicants must be new beginning freshmen who are U.S. citizens and who have been admitted to the fall term. Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Office of Admissions or a designee.

Holmes Library Fund

The Holmes Library Fund was established in 1946 by the friends and members of the Jeannette McCool family in honor of Mrs. Holmes. The income is used to fund the purchase of books for Milner.

Ernst Fund

The Ernst Fund was established in 1990 with a gift from Dennesa Ernst, a 1963 graduate of Illinois State University. Mrs. Ernst passed away July 1, 2000. This scholarship is awarded by the Director of Financial Aid at Illinois State University.

Genevieve A. Pohle Scholarship

Genevieve A. Pohle served as an assistant professor and director of cataloging at ISU from 1923 until her retirement in 1960. In 1984, Genevieve Pohle donated a coin and currency collection to establish a scholarship fund in her name. Since her original gift, she has also donated jewelry and a variety of other items to build her scholarship fund. The only qualification outlined in Genevieve Pohle's will is that a scholarship be established for students including graduate students and it be named the "Genevieve Pohle Scholarship". Because there are no other specific qualifications outlined, the ISU Foundation has incorporated the scholarship into the Foundation-Alumni Distinguished Scholarship program. Since 1985-1986, the Genevieve Pohle Foundation-Alumni Distinguished Scholarship has been awarded on an annual basis. Assets of this endowment are invested in the ISU Endowment Investment Pool.

Feeney Scholarship

The Feeney Scholarship fund was established in the late 1950s by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feeney to aid male or female students from any curriculum. Candidates must be a sophomore, junior, or senior student, and have maintained a least a B GPA.

Anthony Arnold Memorial

Anthony James Arnold graduated from ISU with a B.S. in 2002. He majored in computer science. In September 2004 he passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident. The Anthony J. Arnold Memorial Scholarship was established in 2005 through gifts made by family and friends in honor of Anthony's memory. Each candidate must be or have an incoming student to ISU who is transferring from Illinois Central College and who previously received the similarly named scholarship in honor of Anthony Arnold administered at ICC, demonstrated financial need, academic achievement as evidenced by an enrolling cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and a resident or former resident of East Peoria, IL who attended an East Peoria area high school.

Bob Vilsoet Transfer Student Scholarship

The Bob Vilsoet Transfer Student Scholarship was established in 2020 to support a Harper Community College transfer student majoring in the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University.

Edward J. Fyfe Scholarship

Marjorie and Clinton Keeley established this fund in 1988 in honor of Marjorie's father. Marjorie is a 1933 graduate of Illinois State Normal University. Her father, although having just an elementary school education, made sure his children received an education. Because of his love and deep value of education, Mr. and Mrs. Keeley wanted to perpetuate his life through educational opportunities through others.

George Parker Trust Scholarship

The George Parker Trust Scholarship Fund supports the general scholarship needs of students at Illinois State University. In his last will and testament George L. Parker of Bloomington, IL requested that the net income from his trust would be used to further the education of students "of limited means." Preference is given to students from McLean County, Illinois and Nicholas County, Kentucky. In the event there are no applicants from these two counties, any students from Illinois and Kentucky may be selected.

Leslie And Ruth Cline Endowment for Milner Library

The Leslie and Ruth Cline Endowment fund was established in honor of Eloise Cline's parents. Ms. Cline created the fund as a tribute to the small farm family who selflessly fed the nation and the world, and who recognized the value of education. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to Milner Library when encountering unexpected emergencies not supported by the current budget. The fund may also be used to assist in bringing efficiency and effectiveness into the daily operations of Milner Library.

Give Something Back (GSB) Scholarship Program

The Give Something Back (GSB) Scholarship Program will be used solely to fund a portion of the tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board at the University for residential students ("GSB Residential Students") and for tuition and fees for non-residential students ("GSB Non-Residential Students") at the University. Funds will be combined with federal and state grants, and funds contributed by the University ("College Scholarship") so that the students annually receive the Base Total Scholarship Amount (listed in Schedule 2 attached) to the University for four years. Students will be individually responsible for books, supplies, transportation and personal expenses and neither GSB, the Foundation nor the University shall be responsible or liable for the same.

Clarence W. Sorensen Graduate School Award

As the first dean of the Graduate School (1959), Clarence Sorensen provided the leadership that enabled ISU to mature as a comprehensive graduate institution. Under his leadership, master's degrees increased dramatically and the ground work for the first doctoral programs was laid. The purpose of this fund is to recognize the outstanding doctoral dissertation at ISU on an annual basis.

Stevenson Memorial Fund

In 1971 Ernest L. Ives, sister of the late Adlai E. Stevenson, contributed $5,000 to establish an endowment fund for the maintenance of the "LOGOS," and the maintenance and acquisition of the "Stevenson Collection" in the Stevenson Building.

Young America International Scholarship

The Young America International Scholarship provides financial assistance for undergraduate international students to pursue their education at Illinois State University.

John F. and Helen (Graff) Ryman Scholarship

The John F. and Helen (Graff) Ryman Scholarship was established in 1987 by John and Helen Ryman, graduates of Illinois State Normal University. The scholarship was created to financially assist graduates from Lincoln High School who are attending Illinois State University.

Dorothy Frawley Presidential Scholarship

This fund was created through the proceeds of the Dorothy M Frawley Trust in memory of Eva Porter Marshall, ISNU graduate 1891 and mother of Dorothy Frawley. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students.

Edward Jones and Company Scholarship

The Edward Jones and Company Scholarship was established in 1986 by several employees of Edward Jones and Company. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student from a geographical area served by a participating Edward Jones and Company office. The recipient must demonstrate leadership capabilities and have a record of participation in both academic and extra-curricular activities. Preference is given to a candidate with a business related major.

Lela Winegarner Fellowship

The Lela Winegarner Fellowship was established by (Hazel) Merret Culbertson. The gift honors her sister, Lela Winegarner, who was a loyal member of the ISU family for about 25 years, working in the area of English as well as the International Student Program. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for outstanding international graduate students pursuing careers of service to individuals in this country or their home country. All international students admitted to Illinois State Graduate School programs who plan to use their education in a service capacity are eligible.

Garnet Carder Greenwood Scholarship

The family of Garnet Carder Greenwood established the Garnet Carder Greenwood Scholarship in 1991 to honor her great love and respect for Illinois State Normal University. She graduated in 1929 with a normal school degree and received her bachelor's degree in 1935. Candidates for this scholarship must be a junior, senior, or graduate-level student who graduated from a high school in Champaign County and have at least a 2.5 GPA. Financial need is also to be considered.

Strange - Matthews Science and Technology Information Resources Endowment for Milner Library

The Strange - Matthews Science and Technology Information Resources Endowment for Milner Library was established by Priscilla Matthews, Illinois State associate professor emerita Milner Library, in 2014 in memory of her father and mother and their love for education and Illinois State University. The fund supports acquisition of monographs, journals, and databases in the fields of science and technology.

Clarence and Stella Rose Honors Scholarship

The Clarence and Stella Rose Scholarship was established in 1989 by Stella Rose and her husband, Clarence. Mrs. Rose graduated from Illinois State University and earned her teaching certification around 1925. Mrs. Rose passed away in 1988 and left her estate to establish the Clarence and Stella Rose Scholars Awards. In 2021, the scholarship are renamed the Clarence and Stella Rose Honors Scholarship. The scholarship supports students who are in good standing in the Honors Program and have completed at least 2 semesters at ISU toward their degree. Preference given to students with unmet financial need.

Russel E. and Barbara J. Benway Milner Library Endowment

The Russel E. and Barbara J. Benway Milner Library Endowment was established in 2020. Income from the endowment will be used to purchase materials in all formats that enhance the Library's collections and enhance services offered, and to procure equipment and furnishings required for accessing and preserving the collections.

Marie Jessa Scholarship

The Marie Jessa Scholarship was established through gifts from Marie Jessa to honor ISU students who have achieved academically but also have given evidence of initiative and creativity. Candidates must be enrolled in good standing with the University, have completed at least 2 semesters at ISU toward their degree, and be part of the Honors Program. Students must be actively involved/demonstrate leadership potential and engagement at ISU and/or in the community. Preference given to students with unmet financial need.

Doris and Chan University-Wide Endowed Scholarship

The Doris and Chan University-Wide Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 by C.W. Chan and Doris Ng to assist students that are attending Illinois State University.

Nevels Family Scholarship

The Nevels Family Scholarship was established by Phillip and Susan Nevels in 2020 to support a student with demonstrated financial need.

Dennis M. McNeal - International House

The Dennis M. McNeal - International House Award was established to support the students of the International House and their related programs in the memory of former resident Dennis McNeal. Awards can support individual scholastic achievements, unfunded ethnic student organizations affiliated with I-House, student registrations at conferences, field trips, workshops, retreats, or the I-House alumni newsletter.

Robert and Michele Howell Scholarship

The Robert and Michele Howell Scholarship was established through a bequest from Michele Howell in 2014. Mrs. Howell earned her bachelors and masters degrees in special education from Illinois State University and was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. The scholarship was established to help support physically disabled students who qualify for financial assistance under University guidelines.

Class of 1986 Scholarship

The Class of 1986 Scholarship was established as the gift of the class of 1986. Candidates must have a minimum GPA, have 30 hours of credit, and have demonstrated leadership in campus activities and academic excellence. One letter of recommendation is required.

Stephen M. and Ann Kieffer Bragg Scholarship Fund

The Stephen M. and Ann Kieffer Bragg Scholarship Fund was established by Stephen M. Bragg, vice president for finance and planning at Illinois State, and Ann Kieffer Bragg, associate director of academic affairs for the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The scholarship provides financial assistance for an academically qualified and financially needy transfer student to promote baccalaureate degree completion.

Ada MacGuffin Rowe Presidential Scholarship

Ada MacGuffin Rowe Presidential Scholarship was established in 1995 through an estate gift of Louis M. Rowe. Presidential Scholarships strive to recruit and retain the highest achieving students to Illinois State University. Candidates are selected from a pool of admitted students based on academic qualifications such as ACT/SAT and/or High School GPA or transfer GPA. Effort is made to select the best students from a variety of backgrounds and majors. Preference will be given to students who meet the qualifications for a Presidential Scholarship who also demonstrate financial need.

Struble Johnson Scholarship

Struble Johnson FADS (Foundation Alumni Distinguished Scholarship) is an unrestricted endowment used for foundation annual budget.

Drehmel Family Scholarship

The Drehmel Family Scholarship was established by Aston Karner and David Drehmel in December 2018. The scholarship provides financial assistance for returning undergraduate students who, at one time, were children in the foster care system. The scholarship is renewable up to five years for students who meet the scholarship requirements.

Kenneth and Maureen Rogers Endowed Scholarship

The Kenneth and Maureen Rogers Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 by Kenneth J. Rogers '73 and Maureen D. Rogers '74. The purpose of the award is to provide financial support for students of any major who demonstrate academic and personal achievement.

Darrel A. Sutter Student Assistance Endowment

This Darrel A. Sutter Student Endowment was established in 2014 by Darrel Sutter. Darrel grew up on a farm near Colfax. He worked his way through Illinois State Normal University and graduated with a degree in social science education. He taught social sciences at Roanoke-Benson High School until 1995. During his career as a teacher he was also the student council adviser and scholastic bowl coach at Roanoke. He loved teaching and helping students become all that they could be in all areas of their lives. The purpose of this fund is to provide individual students with unanticipated needs an immediate resource and support mechanism.

Ella Dobkin Scholarship

scholarships for students interested in education, engineering, scientific, or technical, with preference to Peoria area

Rush Bateman Recruitment Scholarship of Math/Reading/Accounting Students

The Rush Bateman Recruitment Scholarship of Math/Reading/Accounting Students was established by Robert ('68, M.S. '79) and Annette ('69, M.S. '91) Rush in honor of their parents. The benefactors are natives of Decatur, Illinois, and long-time residents of Bloomington, Illinois. The Rushes are also both Illinois State University Alumni; Robert earned a B.S. in Mathematics (1986) and M.S. in Accounting (1979); Annette earned a B.S. in Elementary Education (1969) and M.S. in Mathematics (1991). For many years Robert managed banks and trust companies, and Annette taught mathematics and reading in the Bloomington school system. Robert and Annette have three sons, Derek, Matthew, and Johnathan.

Hannah and Edward Wones Endowment

The purpose of this endowment fund is to provide the staff and faculty of Milner Library with opportunities to improve their skills and education to assure quality library service. The income can be used for staff development and continuing education activity.

RED: I Am Grateful Scholarship Fund

The RED: I Am Grateful Scholarship was established in 2021 by an anonymous donor. The scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Illinois State University.

Betty Plummer International Studies Outstanding Senior Scholarship

Betty Plummer received a Masters degree in English from Illinois State University in 1969 and then taught freshman English at Illinois State University for two years. Betty spent some time overseas in Germany and Taiwan. In 1978 Betty was in charge of Foreign Admissions at Illinoi State University. Three years later, Betty was made Coordinator of Foreign Student and Scholar Services. She was in this position for 13 years until her retirement in 1994. Betty felt that everything really came together for her, with time spent overseas and in her positions at Illinois State. She really enjoyed her work with foreign students. Betty received the Administrative-Professional Distinguished Award from the University in 1994. This was for her work with students as well as working well with everyone inside and outside Illinois State University.

In Appreciation of ISU Scholarship Fund

The In Appreciation of ISU Scholarship Fund was initiated by a group of Chinese alumni from Taiwan to thank and honor Illinois State University and Illinois Taxpayers for the help they received as students. The scholarship reflects the very deep gratitude felt by these students who attended Illinois State University during the late 1960's and early 1970's. While at ISU, the students received their degrees along with professional training and preparation, which empowered them to excel in their careers in countries throughout the world and in many cities in the United States. The original group of students created this scholarship to show their collective appreciation.

Diana Corley Schnapp Endowed Scholarship

The Diana Corley Schnapp Endowed Scholarship supports research for students pursing a degree in teacher education with an emphasis in speech communication, theatre, English, or journalism. Applicants must demonstrate involvement in co-curricular activities or organizations aligned with their field of study.

CEFCU Member Appreciation Scholarship

The CEFCU Member Appreciation Scholarship was established in 2004 by CEFCU (a credit union for Caterpillar employees and others) to support scholarships for CEFCU members who are full-time students. Preference is given to students who demonstrate financial need.

Frank H. Kipfer Endowment

This endowment was established in 1992 by the family of Frank Kipfer, a 1929 graduate of Illinois State University, history teacher in Pontiac schools, and superintendent for the Saunemin school district. He met his wife, Amelia, in Old Main, and she also taught in Pontiac. Their daughter, Barbara Brandt, is a long-time employee of Milner Library. The fund is used to provide financial assistance for the purchase of books and other library materials in the area of history with an emphasis on American history.

Neal R. Gamsky and Douglas H. Lamb Graduate Student Research Award

The Neal R. Gamsky and Douglas H. Lamb Graduate Student Research Award (formerly named the Neal R. Gamsky and Douglas H. Lamb Student Counseling Staff Award) was established in 2000 by Neal Gamsky and Douglas Lamb. Gamsky was the founder and director of the counseling center and later served as vice president and dean of student affairs. Lamb joined the counseling center and became director when Gamsky became vice president. Both were professors of psychology. The Fund provides two annual awards supporting a graduate student in the Clinical-Counseling Program in the Department of Psychology and a graduate student in the College Student Personnel Program in the College of Education.

Anne B. Vecchia Scholarship

The Anne B. Vecchia Scholarship was established in 2001 funded by a gift from the Estate of Anne B. Vecchia. Ms. Vecchia was a 1971 ISU graduate who supported the University's mission of education throughout her lifetime. Preference given to a student with financial need who is a high school graduate from and who resides in Bureau County.

Viola T. Mays Endowed Scholarship Fund

Viola T. Mays, a 1930 graduate of ISNU, made a bequest to Illinois State University through her will. Proceeds from the sale of certain properties were to be used to fund a loan fund for senior students. Guidelines for the fund were established based on information from her will. However, because other types of loans are available to students and the University currently has no process for making student loans from such sources, no loans had been made from the fund, nor loan balances owed to it, for a number of years. The Executive Committee of the Illinois State University Foundation Board therefore approved action to change the loan fund to an endowment to be known as the "Viola T. Mays Endowed Scholarship Fund," to be used to provide scholarships to incoming freshmen.

Ada Belle Clark Welsh Scholarship

Ada Bell Clark Welsh earned a two-year diploma from ISU in 1902. She had a distinguished teaching career in several states including Illinois, Arizona and California. Mrs. Welsh died in 1975. She provided in her will to establish a scholarship to assist students who have prior involvement in community or civic activities and who plan to have a career in liberal arts, humanities, teaching, or improvement of teaching. Financial need may or may not be considered.

Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

This fund was established in 2001 by Dr. K. Patricia Cross '48 (David Gardner Professor of Higher Education, Emerita, University of California-Berkeley). The faculty member who fills the Cross Endowed Chair will have the following characteristics: Eligible for or currently holding the position of a tenured, full professor at ISU; a significant track record of multi-faceted experience in the scholarship of teaching and learning; recognized qualities as an outstanding teacher; a commitment to mentoring other faculty members; and faculty rank in any one of the University's academic colleges. Selection will be based on a commitment to demonstrate and promote the scholarship of teaching.

Sage Lincoln Library Collection Maintenance

The Sage Lincoln Library Collection Maintenance Fund was established through bequest from Harold K. Sage to support the maintenance of and additions to the Lincoln Collection of Harold K. Sage, which was received by Milner Library in 1979. In 2018, due to the cost of acquiring Lincoln artifacts, the fund purpose was expanded to allow for adding additional materials to the collection related to 19th century America, particularly those influencing and influenced by Lincoln, more generally. Examples of the types of artifacts available for purchase include: abolitionist and African American newspapers from the era that are available electronically that add to the understanding of Lincoln's development as a thinking and his sphere of influence. Allowing for expanded provides the ability to acquire materials to serve researchers with many interests, Lincoln scholars included.

Grace B. Cox Scholarship Fund

Grace B. Cox, 1932 ISNU alumna, made a bequest in her will which provided funding support for the ISU Student Loan Fund. Following her death in 1985, guidelines for the fund were established, based on information from her will. However, because other types of loans are available to students and the University currently has no process for making student loans from such sources, no loans had been made from the fund, and no loan balances were owed to it for a number of years. The Executive Committee of the Illinois State University Foundation Board therefore approved action to change the loan fund to an endowment to be known as the "Grace B. Cox Endowed Scholarship Fund," to be used to provide scholarships to incoming freshmen.

Brian and Malee Hundsdorfer Scholarship

The Brian and Malee Hundsdorfer Scholarship was established in 2019. This scholarship was established to assist incoming Freshman from Highland High School in Highland, Illinois.

Ora Bretall Graduate Scholarship

The Ora Bretall Graduate Scholarship was established through the estate gift of Ora J. Bretall. The scholarship is awarded on a one-time basis to persons enrolled in graduate programs at Illinois State whose proposal of master's thesis or doctoral dissertation deals with issues of educational theory or religious thought. The recipient of an award shall be involved in study and research that adds to the existing knowledge base of the above fields of study.

Susie Jones Presidential Scholarship

The Susie Jones Presidential Scholarship was established through an estate gift.

Kennett Family Restricted Fund

The Kennett Family Restricted Fund was established in March 2018 by Dorothy Kennett. The purpose of the fund is to provide support for the activities, programs and operations associated with the teaching materials center in Milner Library.

Emma Pellet Haynes Scholarship

This account was established by an estate gift from Emma Haynes, ISNU class of 1909. The fund provides for financial assistance for students with a demonstrated financial hardship and/or need, preferably with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Thomas D. Wilson Scholarship

The Thomas D. Wilson Scholarship was established in 2020 by Kay B. Wilson. The scholarship provides financial assistance to a Milner Library student worker or a student applying for a Milner Library Supported Washington DC internship. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

John Baldini Scholarship

The John Baldini Scholarship was established in 1995 in memory of John L. Baldini '41 by his family, his friends, and supporters from both political parties. Baldini served on Illinois State University's Alumni Board for 12 years and was a founding member of the Redbird Club. He owned and operated the Lucca Grill in Bloomington and was active in the Democratic Party at the county and state levels for more than 50 years. Baldini was respected by both political parties for his compassion and interest in others, for his honesty, and his positive impact on all with whom he interacted.

Marie Jessa Fund

The Marie Jessa Fund was established by Marie Jessa in 1978 through a gift of natural gas pipeline bonds. Since that time, the interest earned on these bonds has been used to purchase and install a carillon on campus, as well as tapes for the carillon. For many years the funds were used to purchase books for the library per the donor's directions. Since books are no longer the dominant source of information for libraries, an amendment to the original agreement was requested by the Illinois State University Board of Directors on February 4, 2011. The amendment will allow the purchase of e-books, journals, and other digital and electronic resources. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Foundation's investment pool.

L. Funk Rassmussen and I. Funk Henline Scholarship

The L. Funk Rassmussen and I. Funk Henline Scholarship was established in 1988 through a gift from the Estate of Ruth Funk Phillips in memory of her sisters Lela Funk Rasmussen and Irene Funk Henline. This fund supports unrestricted scholarship awarded as part of the foundation annual budget.

Laura A. Lowan Scholarship Fund

The Laura A. Lowan Scholarship Fund supports a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Illinois State University.

ODP Legacy Scholarship

The scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Illinois State University in one of the following majors: Environmental Systems Science and Sustainability, Environmental Health and Sustainability, or Biology-Conservation Biology.

Thomas Wicke Presidential Scholarship

The Thomas Wicke Presidential Scholarship was created in 2020 for students who qualify for admission tot he University's Presidential Scholars program and are enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. The scholarship is open to all majors in the College, but preference is given to students majoring in Psychology.

Arnold E. and Barbara A. Lizakowski Endowed Scholarship

The Arnold E. and Barbara A. Lizakowski Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 to provide financial assistance for students with demonstrated financial need and academic achievement.

Wiese Family Preview Guide Scholarship

The Wiese Family Preview Guide Scholarship was established in 2020 to provide financial assistance to a student in their second year as a Preview Guide.

James L. Fisher Outstanding Thesis Award

In 1993-1994, Illinois State University celebrated its 50th anniversary of graduate education. At that time, the Graduate School's Outstanding Thesis Competition was renamed to honor James L. Fisher, an exceptional graduate of the University. After completing a bachelor's and master's degree, Fisher served the University as a professor, administrator, and vice president. In addition, Fisher is a renowned scholar in leadership in academia, as well as President Emertius of Towson State University and the Council of Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Winners of the thesis competition are recognized at the college level, and one recipient is selected to receive the Fisher Award, as well as represent the University at the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools regional competition.

Willis T. Maas Presidential Scholarship

In 1986, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Maas made a provision in their will to leave $100,000 to the ISU Foundation. The proceeds from this endowment are to be used for scholarship support. All students enrolled at ISU shall be eligible for the scholarship awards. Worthy students from Dupo and Mascoutah High School will have "priority" for the scholarship awards. Candidates must be in good academic standing and enrolled as a full-time student.

Lucy Hickrod Chinese Student Scholarship

This endowment fund was established in 1987 by G. Alan Hickrod in memory of his wife Lucy Jen Huang Hickrod. The scholarship is used to assist Chinese graduate students at Illinois State University. Selection shall be the responsibility of the Office of International Studies. Candidates must display financial need and academic promise. Preference will be given first to students from the Peoples Republic of China; other Chinese students may be considered if none qualify.

National Merit Scholarship

This endowment was established during the 1980s by Central Illinois businesses to honor academically talented students. The fund provides financial assistance to National Merit Scholar finalists from a 50-mile radius of Bloomington/ Normal.

Pohlmann Resource and Conference Room

The Pohlmann Resource and Conference Room fund is to be used for expenses related to renovation and furnishing of Stevenson Hall Room 435C, and for maintenance, upgrades, materials, technology, and publications associated with the Pohlmann Resource and Conference Room. The Pohlmann Family Development Grants honor the entire family. Vernon earned his B.A. and was Phi Beta Kappa at Washington University in St. Louis. After the war he became a teacher in the public schools and completed his M.S. and Ph.D. He served on the Normal Town Council and the faculty at Illinois State, involving his students in research and community activities. He received many awards at the University. Elsie worked as a head nurse and supervisor of student nurses and volunteered with Vernon at Home Sweet Home Mission. Sons James and Kenneth are also volunteer leaders for non-profits and successful businessmen.

Theresa M. Madigan Scholarship

Family and friends of Edward Madigan created this scholarship to honor his mother and students in Central Illinois. The family wished to perpetuate her great interest in young people. Gifts in memory of Edward Madigan were placed in this fund at the request of the family.

Randy and Jean Cooper Scholarship

The Randy and Jean Cooper Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a student with demonstrated financial need who has encountered unexpected obstacles.

Leo Eaton Presidential Scholarship

The Charles L. Eaton Scholarship Fund was established through a bequest made in Leo Eaton's will. Eaton, a long time Bloomington-Normal businessman was interested in young people and quality education. His bequest is to provide financial support for skilled and motivated young men and women to continue their education at the university level. Candidates for the scholarship must be outstanding academic achievement students, be active in extra curricular activities, and possess leadership abilities. If financial need is a factor, it will be considered when selecting recipients. ISU administrative representatives shall confer with the trustees of the Eaton Trust in the selection of recipients.

Perry and Helen Obalil Endowed Fund

The Hughes Family has chosen to honor their father and grandfather, Perry Obalil, as well as his surviving wife, Helen, with a named endowed fund. Perry and Helen had one daughter, Deborah Hughes '74. Deborah and Stephen '73 Hughes, who did not meet until after college, are the parents of Douglas '04 and Rebekah '07. The Hughes family would like their gift to provide support to two particular areas of interest, the Milner Library and cancer awareness. The family believes strongly in capturing and protecting the University's history. A preference will be given to the archives division in Milner Library. The family's intent is to provide assistance for cancer-based education among students, faculty, and staff. Initial preference will be given to projects relating to breast cancer awareness and prevention.

The ITServe Alliance STEM Scholarship Fund

The ITServe Alliance STEM Scholarship Fund was established by ITServe Alliance in order to give scholarships to students in the STEM areas with financial need.

Joyce Webb Penland Scholarship

The scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Illinois State University.

Helen Ripley MD Memorial Scholarship

The Helen Ripley MD Memorial Scholarship was established by Joseph List in order to provide financial assistance to students in the College of Education or Mennonite College of Nursing.

Louis A. Olivier Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The Louis A. Olivier Jr. Memorial Scholarship was established by Lance Rogers and Steve Siros to honor the memory of Professor Louis A. Olivier Jr. who made an impact on their education and lives.

Mike and Sandy Barker Scholarship for Williamsville High School Graduates

The Mike and Sandy Barker Scholarship for Williamsville High School (Williamsville, IL.) Graduates was established to honor their three children; each Williamsville High School graduates. The scholarship will be awarded to graduating WHS seniors who have enrolled at Illinois State University. Mike and Sandy both graduated from ISU and believe in encouraging students in their neighborhood to attend as well.

The HFF Scholarship

The scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Illinois State University in either College of Education or College of Business.

DeFranco Family Global Experience Scholarship

The DeFranco Family Global Experience Scholarship was established the support students that are looking to study abroad and expand their college experience.

The Margaret and Frits Lips International Engagement Scholarship Fund

The Margaret and Frits Lips International Engagement Scholarship Fund was established by Aondover A. Tarhule and Rozemarijn Tarhule-Lips in order to provide financial assistance to students interested in an international engagement experience such as Study Abroad or Research experience at an international university, laboratory, not-for-profit, or public organization

Hunt Family Fund

This fund was established in 2002 by Robert W. Hunt, emeritus faculty, Department of Politics and Government. This fund supports educational activities dealing with issues of civil society, social entrepreneurship, and institution building and community development in the United States and around the world. The Department of Politics and Government in collaboration with the Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development shall use expendable income to produce programs, lectures, workshops, and/or meetings focusing on the politics of democratic development.

Williams Outstanding Technology Service Award

In 2001 the Williams Outstanding Technology Service Award at ISU was established by Dr. and Mrs. David B. Williams to recognize an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the University in the area of technology and service. The purpose of the Williams Outstanding Technology Service Award is to provide a monetary award and significant recognition to a staff person who has made extraordinary contributions to the University in the area of technology support.

Dr. Charles E. Morris Jr. and Dr. Jeanne B. Morris Educational Equity Fund

The Dr. Charles E. Morris Jr. and Dr. Jeanne B. Morris Educational Equity Fund was established in 1997 by family, friends, and colleagues of Jeanne and Charles Morris. Charles retired as vice chancellor for academic and student affairs for the Board of Regents and associate professor of mathematics at Illinois State University. Jeanne is professor of education emeritus at Illinois State.

Pohlmann Family Development Fund

The Pohlmann Family Development Fund is to be used for students and faculty engaged in community and economic research with implications for the future of McLean County, and for student assistantships with local agencies that need their expertise but cannot afford placement costs. The Pohlmann Family Development Grants honor the entire family. Vernon earned his B.A. and was Phi Beta Kappa at Washington University in St. Louis. After the war he became a teacher in the public schools and completed his M.S. and Ph.D. He served on the Normal Town Council and the faculty at Illinois State, involving his students in research and community activities. He received many awards at the University. Elsie worked as a head nurse and supervisor of student nurses, and volunteered with Vernon at Home Sweet Home Mission. Sons James and Kenneth are also volunteer leaders for nonprofits and successful businessmen.

Claire and Tom Lamonica Outstanding Teaching Award

The Claire and Tom Lamonica Outstanding Teaching Award was established in 2020 to support outstanding teaching by individuals on Administrative Professional or Civil Service staff lines.

Hoon Mok Chung Memorial Fund

The Hoon Mok Chung Memorial Fund was established in 2010 in memory of Hoon Mok Chung, L.G.D. '93. He grew up in Korea and became a Chief Executive in the banking industry, a governmental official, and a professor of Political Science at Illinois State University. Founding donor Gary Talarico '75, M.S. '78, has many years of experience as Managing Director in the investment banking field. The purpose of the fund is to provide resources for select students to travel internationally through study or work experience abroad.

The Aver and Tarhule Kuluku Academic Excellence & Leadership Scholarship Fund

The Aver and Tarhule Kuluku Academic Excellence and Leadership Scholarship Fund Administrative gift agreement was established by Aondover Tarhule and Roosemarijn Tarhule-Lips in order to provide financial assistance to students demonstrating academic excellence and leadership potential. This scholarship was established to support assist educational and international experience while at Illinois State University.

Damron Texas Endowed Scholarship

The Damron Texas Endowed Scholarship was established by James Damron in order to support Redbirds who encounter financial need either at the beginning of their academic career or during their time at Illinois State. The funds can be used to help student's access a Redbird education or persist in their education if they are facing unexpected financial obstacles.

Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund Kay Bush Scholarship

The Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund Kay Bush Scholarship was established by Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund in order to support graduates of Thorntown Township High School who enroll at Illinois State University.

COUNTRY Financial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scholarship

The COUNTRY Financial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scholarship was established in 2017 by COUNTRY Financial to provide immediate support for a full-time undergraduate or graduate student from a historically underrepresented group studying marketing, insurance, accounting, finance, sales, human resources, communication, actuarial science, security, or information technology.

COUNTRY Financial Center for Civic Engagement Scholarship

The COUNTRY Financial Center for Civic Engagement Scholarship was established by COUNTRY Financial in order to assist students who are completing a capstone internship for the Civic Engagement and Responsibility Minor.

The Dr. Aja C. Holmes Alternative Breaks Fund

As a former Alternative Breaks participant, Dr. Aja C. Holmes understands the positive and lifelong impact this program can have on ISU students. Her fund is designed to offer partial fee waivers to offset Alternative Breaks trip costs for students who want to participate but cannot afford to without financial assistance.